Date of birth: | 1973 |
Jacket number: | 133473 |
Arresting agency: | D'Iberville PD |
Arrest number: | 369848 |
Arrest date: | Aug 7, 2013 |
Booking date: | Aug 8, 2013 |
Booking location: | Harrison County, MS |
Status: | NI |
Court type: | D'IBERVILLE |
Court time: | 20130903 |
Charge number: | 53265 |
Charge description: | DUI 2ND |
Bond type: | SURETY BOND |
Bond amount: | $1,602 |
Arrest code: | 2122 |
Status: | NI |
Court type: | D'IBERVILLE |
Court time: | 20130903 |
Charge number: | 53266 |
Charge description: | SUS/REV D/L |
Bond type: | SURETY BOND |
Bond amount: | $788 |
Arrest code: | 2115 |
Status: | NI |
Court type: | D'IBERVILLE |
Court time: | 20130903 |
Charge number: | 53267 |
Charge description: | NO INSURANCE |
Bond type: | SURETY BOND |
Bond amount: | $407 |
Arrest code: | 2162 |
Status: | NI |
Court type: | D'IBERVILLE |
Court time: | 20130903 |
Charge number: | 53268 |
Charge description: | FAIL TO YIELD B/S |
Bond type: | SURETY BOND |
Bond amount: | $187 |
Arrest code: | 2103 |