Date of birth: | Jul 25, 1958 |
Prisoner type: | STATE INMATE |
Pid: | 0000396879 |
Obid: | 623600 |
Housing location: | Not Active |
Arrest number: | 2011011 |
Arrest date: | Oct 1, 2012 |
Booking date: | Sep 28, 2011 |
Release date: | Nov 26, 2011 |
Booking location: | Mecklenburg County, NC |
Arresting agency: | CMPD |
Arrest number: | 01468482 |
Arrest date: | Sep 24, 2010 |
Booking date: | Sep 24, 2010 |
Release date: | Sep 24, 2010 |
Booking location: | Mecklenburg County, NC |
Type: | SECURED |
Court case: | 0922535701 |
Charge description: | FALSE PRETENSE |
Bond amount: | $2,000 |
Arrest type: | FELONY |
Arrest process: | WARRANT |
Sentence max yy mm dd: | 00-00-60 |
Sentence end: | 11/26/2011 |
Sentence begin: | 9/28/2011 |
Ref: | 001 |
Ord: | SENT |
Disposition: | E |
Description: | IV-D NON-SUPPORT OF CHILD |
Charge: | 386300 |
Case: | 10CVD2140 |
Type: | SEC |
Ref: | 001 |
Ord: | REL |
Disposition: | B |
Description: | FALSE PRETENSE |
Court: | 1150B |
Charge: | 263200 |
Case: | 09CR225357 |
Bond: | 2000 |