Leroy Kasheem Holley

Last Updated: January 27th, 2025
Jail Location
Black Male

Personal Details

Date of birth: Jul 7, 1979
Probable cause affidavit: SUBMITTED BY: BASS, MICHELE 0378 (AR08103670) did, knowing HIS driver's license or driving privilege had been cancelled, suspended or revoked, drive a motor vehicle upon the highways of this state while such license or privilege was cancelled, in violation of Florida Statute 322.34(2). ] ON 061008 AT APPROXIMATELY 1321 HOURS, WHILE TRAVELING WEST ON HIGHWAY 44 I OBSERVED A SILVER FORD TAURUS TRAVELLING EAST BOUND IN the OUTSIDE LANE AT WHAT APPEARED TO BE FASTER THEN the POSTED SPEED LIMIT OF SIXTY MILES PER HOUR. I THEN ACTIVATED MY RADAR UNIT AND RECEIVED A DIGITAL READING OF SEVENTY FOUR MILES PER HOUR IN A posted SIXtY MILE PER HOUR ZONE. I THEN TURNED MY PATROL VEHICLE AROUND AND INITIATED A TRAFFIC STOP ON A 1999 FORD TAURUS BEARING LICENSE PLATE NUMBER H701UG. AFTER MAKING CONTACT with the DRIVER, who immediately provided me with a florida identification card, identifying himself as leroy holley, I asked if he had a valid driver's license, which he stated no, as it was suspended out of new york for failure to pay several traffic fines. I asked mr holley IF HE KNEW WHY I STOPPED HIM TO WHICH HE STATED "NO", to which I advised him of his speed. UPON RUNNING THE DEFENDANT'S INFORMATION through fcic/ncic it was revealed that mr holley's driver's license was suspended out of new york for failure to answer a summons. i also ran his information through the citrus county sheriff's office IN-HOUSE system, which revealed that he was ISSUED A TRAFFIC CITATION ON 052608, FOR DRIVING WHILE LICENSE SUSPENDED KNOWINGLY by deputy entrekin. the DEFENDANT WAS PLACED UNDER ARREST FOR DRIVING WHILE LICENSE SUSPENDED OR REVOKED (DWLSR), AND TRANSPORTED TO the CITRUS COUNTY DETENTION FACILITY WHERE HIS BOND WAS SET AT 500.00 PER THE BOND SCHEDULE. THE DEFENDANT WAS ISSUED Uniform traffic citation NUMBER 9809-FIQ FOR DRIVING WHILE LICENSE SUSPENDED (KNOWINGLY) WITH A MANDATORY COURT APPEARANCE OF 062608 AT 1300 HOURS. THE DEFENDANT WAS ALSO ISSUED TRAFFIC WARNING number 224116B FOR UNLAWFUL SPEED OF SEVENTY MILES PER HOUR IN A SIXTY MILE PER HOUR ZONE. the defendant's vehicle was towed by advanced towing. *NOT-EXEMPT*
Inmate status: Felony Misdemeanor County/Municipal Traffic Ordinance Warrant/Capias
Arrest type: Felony
Arrest number: 412
Arrest date: Mar 22, 2012
Booking location: Citrus County, FL

Known addresses

Florida 34461
Exempt, Florida 34429
N Meyer Sq, Florida 34433
8700 N Meyer Sq, Florida 34433
443, Florida 34429

Recent Arrests

Arrest number: 18542
Arrest date: Mar 7, 2016
Arrest type: Warrant/Capias
Booking location: Citrus County, FL

Arrest date: Apr 17, 2012
Booking number: 790
Booking location: Citrus County, FL

Arrest number: 414
Arrest date: Mar 22, 2012
Arrest type: Misdemeanor
Booking location: Citrus County, FL

Arrest date: Dec 7, 2010
Booking number: 10118256
Booking location: Citrus County, FL

Arrest date: Jun 10, 2008
Booking number: 08103670
Booking location: Citrus County, FL

Arrest date: Jun 4, 2008
Booking number: 08103556
Booking location: Citrus County, FL

Recent Charges

Code: 322.34(2)
Bond amount: $500

Code: 784.03(1)(A)(1)
Charge description: Battery

Code: 843.15(1)(A)
Charge description: FAILURE TO APPEAR - FELONY
Bond amount: $0

Code: 784.045(1)(B)
Bond amount: $0

Code: 843.15(1)(B)
Charge description: FAILURE TO APPEAR - DWLSR
Bond amount: $0

Code: 843.15(1)(B)
Charge description: FAILURE TO APPEAR DWLSR
Bond amount: $0

Code: 948.06
Bond amount: $0

Code: 947.21
Charge description: Violation of Parole

Code: 322.34(5)
Charge description: Driving While License Suspended or Revoked (Habitual Traffic Offender)


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Records published on this website are in no way an indication of guilt or evidence that a crime was committed. Every person mentioned on this website is presumed innocent until proven guilty in a court of law. Arrest and other court records do not imply guilt. Criminal charges are only formal allegations. For complete case records, contact the relevant law enforcement or judicial agency.