Hair: | Black |
Eyes: | Brown |
Booking officer: | MAST,CALEB |
Arresting agency: | SJC ST. JOSEPH COUNTY |
Arrest date: | May 10, 2016 |
Arrest officer: | MCMILLIAN, 000 |
Booking number: | 000000356837 |
Booking date: | May 10, 2016 |
Jail name: | St. Joseph County Jail |
Location: | 401 W Sample St, South Bend, IN 46601 |
Arresting agency: | 0SB SOUTH BEND POLICE |
Arrest date: | Apr 25, 2014 |
Arrest officer: | WATKINS, 2221 |
Booking number: | 000000338471 |
Booking date: | Apr 25, 2014 |
Jail name: | St. Joseph County Jail |
Location: | 401 W Sample St, South Bend, IN 46601 |
Charge: | 35-42-2-2 |
Bond amount: | $0 |
Convicted date: | May 17, 2016 |
Charge desposition: | RELEASEDPROMISE TO APPEAR |
Charge: | 35-42-5-1 |
Description: | ROBBERY (ARREST) |
Bond amount: | $10,000 |
Convicted date: | May 10, 2016 |
Charge desposition: | WARRANT ARREST |
Charge: | ATTACH |
Description: | ATTACHMENT |
Bond amount: | $250 |
Convicted date: | Apr 25, 2014 |
Charge desposition: | RELEASEDPROMISE TO APPEAR |