Date of birth: | Dec 12, 1969 |
Mni: | 75819 |
Discharge date: | Sep 15, 2014 |
Mndoc offender id: | 153113 |
Inmate status: | Incarcerated as of 09/15/2014. Currently at |
Highest ranked offense: | Weapons |
Expiration date: | Dec 6, 2019 |
Court file number s: | Cass - 11-CR-14-607 |
Case worker: | Cheri Polecheck (218) 485-5190 |
Mugshots com: | 184555504 |
Ext id key: | 996109392028383485 |
Booking number: | 56625 |
Booking date: | Mar 21, 2022 |
Booking location: | Crow Wing County, MN |
Booking number: | 52409 |
Booking date: | Oct 3, 2020 |
Booking location: | Crow Wing County, MN |
Booking number: | 52056 |
Booking date: | Aug 5, 2020 |
Booking location: | Crow Wing County, MN |
Booking number: | 33672 |
Booking date: | Apr 24, 2016 |
Booking location: | Crow Wing County, MN |
Booking number: | 32721 |
Booking date: | Feb 4, 2016 |
Booking location: | Crow Wing County, MN |
Booking number: | 27088 |
Booking date: | Aug 15, 2014 |
Booking location: | Crow Wing County, MN |
Booking number: | 27005 |
Booking date: | Aug 7, 2014 |
Booking location: | Crow Wing County, MN |
Booking number: | 26856 |
Booking date: | Jul 25, 2014 |
Booking location: | Crow Wing County, MN |
Booking number: | 25710 |
Booking date: | Apr 11, 2014 |
Booking location: | Crow Wing County, MN |
Release date: | Jan 16, 2018 |
Booking location: | Minnesota |
Statute: | 609.14 |
Status: | HOLD PLACED |
Level: | F |
Description: | Probation Violation - DOC |
Statute: | 609.582.2 |
Status: | HOLD PLACED |
Level: | F |
Description: | Burg-2 unocc res |
Statute: | 609.53.1 |
Status: | HOLD PLACED |
Level: | F |
Description: | stln prop |
Statute: | 624.713.1 |
Status: | HOLD PLACED |
Level: | F |
Description: | weapons-fe-poss |
Statute: | 609.14 |
Status: | HOLD PLACED |
Level: | F |
Description: | Sentences - Revocation of Stay or Initiate Pr |
Statute: | 609.582.2 |
Status: | BOARDER |
Level: | F |
Description: | Burglary-2nd Degree |
Statute: | 609.582.2(a) |
Status: | BOARDER |
Level: | F |
Description: | Burglary-2nd Degree - Penalty |
Statute: | 609.53.1 |
Status: | BOARDER |
Level: | F |
Description: | Receiving Stolen Property |
Statute: | 624.713.1 |
Status: | BOARDER |
Level: | F |
Description: | Possess Pistol/Assault Weapon-Ineligible Pers |
Statute: | 609.53.1 |
Status: | HOLD PLACED |
Level: | F |
Description: | Receiving Stolen Property |
Statute: | 624.713.1 |
Status: | HOLD PLACED |
Level: | F |
Description: | Possess Pistol/Assault Weapon-Ineligible Pers |
Detail information: | Sentences - Revocation of Stay or Initiate Pr |