Lester Howard Murray

Last Updated: January 21st, 2025
Jail Location
Black Male
6′ 1″ (1.85m)
154lbs (70kg)

Personal Details

Date of birth: May 29, 1958
Hair: Black
Eyes: Brown
Probable cause affidavit: SUBMITTED BY: INDORATO, THOMAS 0712 (AR11121234) DID, KNOWING HIS DRIVER'S LICENSE OR DRIVING PRIVILEGE HAD BEEN CANCELLED, SUSPENDED OR REVOKED, DRIVE A MOTOR VEHICLE UPON THE HIGHWAYS OF THIS STATE WHILE SUCH LICENSE OR PRIVILEGE WAS CANCELLED, IN VIOLATION OF FLORIDA STATE STATUTE 322.34(2). ON 061411 AT APPROXIMATELY 0900 HOURS WHILE CONDUCTING TRAFFIC ENFORCEMENT IN BEVERLY HILLS, I WAS TRaVELING west on bEVERLY hillS bOULEVARD WHEN I NOTICED a 1997 gREEN IN COLOR kIa, 4-dooR VEHICLE beARING FLORIDA TAG NUMBER v06-2Ua heaDinG norTH on linCOLN avENUE paSS the stop sign. the vEhICLE then continUed acroSS bevERLY hillS bOULEVARD on lincOLN aveNUE headinG north. i notICED the vehIclE to have A crAcKED frOnT WindshIELD THAT WAS DIRECTLY IN THE DRIVER'S LINE OF VISION. AT THAT TIME, I POSITIONED MY PATROL VEHICLE BEHIND THE SUSPECT'S VEHICLE. i then actIVATED my oveRhEad emERGENCY lighTS and inITIATED a traffIC stop with ThE finAL resTING poINT beING iN fRonT of NUMERICAL 4305 ON NORTH linCOLN aveNUE. upOn maKING conTACT wiTh thE DRIVER/DEFENDANT, WHO WAS latER idENTIFIED as MR LESTER murrAy, i askED the defENDANT foR his drIVER'S LICENSE, regISTRATION anD PROOF of insURANCE. the deFENDANT stated that he has hIS insurance; hoWEVER, he CouLD NOT finD the regISTRATION and doeS not curRENTLY haVE his dRIVER'S LICENSE ON his perSon. i then askED the defENDANT for his name and datE-of-biRTH anD upoN doiNG so the defENDANT stateD, "i am not gOinG tO LIE TO you. my dRIVER'S LICENSE is suspenDed for fAilURE to pay TraFFIC finES anD I Was just en routE to work." The defENDANT stATED you ARE prOBABLY goING To arrEST me and that i jusT recENTLY RECEIVED a ciTATION for dRIVING WHILE LICENSE SUSPENDED (DWLS) a few WEekS ago and that he haS court next week. i then aSkED thE DEFENDANT to sTep oUt oF HIS vehICLE. AT THAT TIME, I CONDUCTED A pat-DOWN FOR ANY CONTRABAND OR WEAPONS, WHICH WAS MET WITH NEGATIVE RESULTS. i then pLACED THE DEFENDANT in HANDCUFFS (DOUBLE-LOCKED) bEHIND HIS BACK AND SECURED HIM IN THE REAR OF MY PATROL VEHICLE. I thEn contaCTED telETYPE opeRATOR NUMBER 0697, who confirmed that thE defENDANT'S dRIVER'S LICENSE was suSpended with notice giVEn on111307, for fAILURE to pay fiNANCIAL OBLIGATION. the defENDANT ThEn requested thAt ThE vEhICLE be leFt on THE siDe oF roAdWAy foR his WifE to come and retRIEVE at a lateR timE. I tHen madE ConTACT with his wifE via pHONE AnD advISED heR HUSBAND'S VEHICLE WOULD BE LEFT IN FRONT OF NUMERICAL 4305 NORTH LINCOLN AVENUE AND FOR HER TO COME RETRIEVE VEHICLE. i then trAnSPORTED THE defendant to thE cITRUS COUNTY detENTION facilIty withouT INCIDENT AND HE WAS TURNED OVER to facILITY stAff. thE defENDANT'S wALLET was also turnED over to facILITY staFf. the defENDANT wAs isSUED wrITTEN warNing nuMBER 330974b, for the IMPROPER OR UNsafe equipment. HE WAS ALSO ISSUED UNIFORM TRAFFIC CITATION NUMBER 5225-gjx5, for KNOWINGLY dRIVING WHILE LICENSE SUSPENDED/REVOKED, WITH A MANDATORY court date OF 063011 AT 1300 hours. Both THE citATION and the waRNING wERE turnED in with his PROPERTY TO FACILITY STAFF. a copY of the vidEO SURVEILLANCE of trafFIC STOP WAS AlSo turnED in to evidEnCE. THE DEFENDANT'S BOND WAS SET AT $500.00, PER THE BOND SCHEDULE. "If you are a person with a disability who needs any accommodation in order to participate in this proceeding, you are entitled, at no cost to you, to the provision of certain assistance. Please contact the ADA Coordinator at the Office of the Trial Court Administrator, Citrus County Courthouse, 110 North Apopka Avenue, Inverness, Florida 34450, Telephone (352) 341-6700, at least 7 days before your scheduled court appearance, or immediately upon receiving this notification if the time before the scheduled appearance is less than 7 days; if you are hearing or voice impaired, call 711.” *NOT-EXEMPT*
Inmate status: Felony Misdemeanor County/Municipal Traffic Ordinance Warrant/Capias
DC number: U02885
Custody: MEDIUM

Documented Aliases


Known addresses

Florida 34465
761 N. Kinsington St, Florida 34461

Recent Arrests

Arrest date: Dec 16, 2011
Booking number: 11123985
Booking location: Citrus County, FL

Arrest date: Jun 14, 2011
Booking number: 11121234
Booking location: Citrus County, FL

Release date: May 1, 2000
Booking location: Sumter County, FL

Recent Charges

Sentence length: 1Y 0M 1D
Discharge date: Dec 15, 1999
Offense date: Mar 27, 1997
County: SUMTER
Case number: 9700116

Code: 322.34(2)
Bond amount: $500

Code: 948.06
Charge description: VOP-DWLS-2011CT921
Bond amount: $1,755

Code: 948.06
Charge description: VOP-DWLS-2011CT976
Bond amount: $0


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