Date of birth: | Apr 13, 1984 |
Hair: | Black |
Eyes: | Brown |
Sbi number: | 000391333C |
Facility: | Released by Court - MYCF |
Admission date: | May 25, 2004 |
Booking location: | Atlantic County, NJ |
Discharge date: | May 25, 2004 |
Offense date: | May 30, 2002 |
Offense: | 1 count of : 2C:35-5*3 CDS/Manufacture,Distribute,Dispense /3 |
Maximum term: | 3 Years |
County: | Atlantic |
Commit number: | 02-06-1239-I |
Discharge date: | May 25, 2004 |
Offense date: | May 30, 2002 |
Offense: | 1 count of : 2C:35-7.1*3 CDS/Poss. w/i 500ft of public housing |
Maximum term: | 3 Years |
County: | Atlantic |
Commit number: | 02-06-1239-I |