Lewis Anthony Burdette

Last Updated: February 25th, 2025
Jail Location
Caucasian Male
5′ 8″ (1.73m)
185lbs (84kg)

Personal Details

Date of birth: 1968
Hair: Brown
Eyes: Brown
Registration: 09097
Level: Level III
Commentaries: Comments According to official documents Burdette pled guilty in Snohomish County Superior Court on 07/29/2008 to one count of Child Molestation in the Second Degree. He was sentenced to 18 months in prison. This conviction was the result of Burdette sexually assaulting the unknown 13 year old male victim. The victim was playing a game at a mall arcade when Burdette walked up behind him and grabbed his genitals. Burdette was on probation at the time for the following offense. Burdette pled guilty in Lynnwood Municipal Court on 03/17/2008 to one count of Assault in the Fourth Degree with Sexual Motivation. The conviction was the result of Burdette sexually assaulting the unknown 14 year old male victim. The victim was in the toy department of a store when Burdette grabbed his buttocks. Burdette fled to a nearby library where he was arrested. Burdette is on active supervision with the Washington State Department of Corrections, Everett Field Office (425) 290-3200, for a period of 48 months and has the following conditions: Comply with urinalysis testing and/or alcohol breath testing as directed by supervising Community Corrections Officer Do not associate with minors, except under circumstances approved in advance by your therapist and supervising Community Corrections Officer, and under the supervision of an adult chaperone approved by your therapist and community corrections officer, who is fully aware of your offense history and behavioral rules you must follow when you are with minors Do not date women or form relationships with families who have minor children, as directed by the supervising Community Corrections Officer Do not frequent areas where minor children are known to congregate, as defined by the supervising Community Corrections Officer Do not hold employment without first notifying your employer of this conviction Do not possess or access pornographic materials, as directed by the supervising Community Corrections Officer. Do not frequent establishments whose primary business pertains to sexually explicit or erotic material Do not possess or consume alcohol and do not frequent establishments where alcohol is the chief commodity for sale Do not possess or control any item designated or used to entertain, attract or lure minors Do not possess or control sexual stimulus material for your particular deviancy as defined by the supervising Community Corrections Officer and therapist except as provided for therapeutic purposes Do not remain overnight in a residence where minor children live or are spending the night Do not seek employment or volunteer positions that place you in contact with or control over minors Have no direct or indirect contact with the victim Obey all laws Participate in offense related counseling programs, to include Department of Corrections sponsored offender groups, as directed by the supervising Community Corrections Officer Participate in sexual history and compliance polygraphs examinations as directed by the supervising Community Corrections Officer Pay the costs of crime-related counseling and medical treatment required by the victim Register as a sex offender with the county of your residence for the period provided by law You must consent to DOC home visits to monitor your compliance with supervision. Home visits include access for the purposes of visual inspection of all areas of the residence in which you live or have exclusive/joint control/access Your residence, living arrangements and employment must be approved in advance by the supervising Community Corrections Officer

Known addresses

Everett, Washington 98201

Recent Arrests

Arresting agency: Snohomish County Sheriff's Office
Booking location: Snohomish County, WA

Other charges

Description: 9A.44.086 - Child molestation in the second degree.,
Date convicted: Sep 11, 2008
Conviction state: Washington
Charges: N/A


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