Date of birth: | Sep 9, 1977 |
Hair: | Red |
Eyes: | Green |
Sid number: | 11848228 |
Bond amount: | $100,000 |
Swis id: | 145897 |
Facility: | MCDC |
Mugshots com: | 183195694 |
Ext id key: | 269231164342684186 |
Arrest date: | Feb 1, 2016 |
Booking location: | Clackamas County, OR |
Arrest date: | Nov 1, 2014 |
Booking location: | Clackamas County, OR |
Arresting agency: | Portland Police, North Precinct |
Booking date: | Jul 9, 2015 |
Booking location: | Multnomah County, OR |
Arresting agency: | Portland Police, North Precinct |
Booking date: | Feb 26, 2020 |
Booking location: | Multnomah County, OR |
Charge s: | ORS.164.135 - UNAUTH USE OF VEHICLE |
Bond amount: | $100,000 |
Status: | DISMISSED |
Charge s: | ORS.164.135 - UNAUTH USE OF VEHICLE |
Bond amount: | $15,000 |
Status: | DISMISSED |
Charge s: | ORS.475.894-2 - PCS-METH |
Bond amount: | $15,000 |
Status: | DISMISSED |
Charge s: | ORS.162.185 - SUPPLYING CONTRABAND |
Bond amount: | $15,000 |
Status: | DISMISSED |
Charge s: | ORS.475.752-1 - DCS |
Bond amount: | $7,500 |
Status: | DISMISSED |
Charge s: | ORS.475.894 - PCS-METH |
Bond amount: | $0 |
Status: | SENTENCED |
Charge s: | ORS.162.185 - SUPPLYING CONTRABAND |
Bond amount: | $0 |
Status: | TIME SERVED |
Bond amount: | $0 |
Status: | Unsentenced |
Da case no: | 2322987 |
Court case: | 15CR28447 |
Charge: | BURGLARY I (A Felony) |
Bond amount: | $50,000 |
Status: | Unsentenced |
Charge: | PAROLE OR PPSV VIOL (U Felony) |
Bond amount: | $0 |