Date of birth: | May 24, 1965 |
Hair: | Brown |
Eyes: | Brown |
Supervision: | Discharged |
Name type: | Conviction |
Kdoc: | 80521 |
Booking location: | Douglas County, KS |
Sentencing date: | Oct 27, 2006 |
Offense date: | Sep 9, 2005 |
Description: | Theft;value lessthan 1K CMT PERSON W/2 OR MORCnvs |
Crime level: | Non Drug-Grid Severity Level 9 |
County: | Shawnee |
Counts: | 1 |
Case status II: | Inactive |
Case number I: | 05CR2000 |
Sentencing date: | Mar 5, 2004 |
Offense date: | Dec 15, 2003 |
Description: | Theft; Loss of greater than 500 less than 25,000 |
Crime level: | Non Drug-Grid Severity Level 10 |
County: | Shawnee |
Counts: | 1 |
Case status II: | Inactive |
Case number I: | 03CR2631 |
Acs: | Attempted |
Sentencing date: | Mar 5, 2004 |
Offense date: | May 25, 2003 |
Description: | Theft; Loss of greater than 500 less than 25,000 |
Crime level: | Non Drug-Grid Severity Level 9 |
County: | Shawnee |
Counts: | 1 |
Case status II: | Inactive |
Case number I: | 04CR125 |
Sentencing date: | Mar 5, 2004 |
Offense date: | Oct 9, 2003 |
Description: | Theft;Loss less than 500 and 2 or More Convictions |
Crime level: | Non Drug-Grid Severity Level 9 |
County: | Shawnee |
Counts: | 1 |
Case status II: | Inactive |
Case number I: | 04CR8 |
Sentencing date: | Nov 15, 2002 |
Offense date: | Apr 18, 2002 |
Description: | Theft; 3 Businesses within 72 hours |
Crime level: | Non Drug-Grid Severity Level 10 |
County: | Douglas |
Counts: | 1 |
Case status II: | Inactive |
Case number I: | 02CR703 |
Acs: | Attempted |