Date of birth: | Aug 11, 1968 |
Ethnicity: | N |
Hair: | Brown |
Eyes: | Brown |
Release date: | Aug 23, 2007 |
Inmate status: | RELS |
City of birth: | BRONX |
Cin: | 498921 |
Build: | MED |
Booking number: | 200710285 |
Booking date: | Aug 3, 2007 |
Bn: | 93233 |
Birth place: | NY |
Arrest date: | Aug 3, 2007 |
Arresting agency: | PASCO CO SO |
Booking location: | Pasco County, FL |
SO#: | 00619663 |
Soid name: | GORDON,LORI JILL |
Release remarks: | ROR |
Release code: | RECOGNIZANCE |
Purge: | $0.00 |
Obts: | 2907014299 |
Jurisdiction: | TA |
Fine: | $0 |
Cash: | $0.00 |
Arresting agency: | HCSO |
Arrest date: | Jan 22, 2008 |
Arrest location: | 1301 MORGAN ST N |
Booking number: | 08004516 |
Booking date: | Jan 22, 2008 |
Release date: | Jan 22, 2008 |
Booking location: | Hillsborough County, FL |
Arresting agency: | PASCO CO SO |
Arrest date: | Aug 3, 2007 |
Arrest type: | WARRANT |
Dispo type: | TS |
Court case: | CTC0607718MMAES |
Code: | 948.06 |
Charge seq: | 1 |
Charge description: | VIOL PROBATION MISD |
Bond amount: | $0 |
Type: | CAPIAS |
Report number: | 08045945 |
Obts number: | 2907014299 |
No: | 1 |
Disposition: | RECOGNIZANCE |
Date: | Jan 22, 2008 |
Ct case number: | 0719708CM |
Court: | 41A |
Count: | 1 |
Code: | THEF1011 |
Class: | M2 |
Charge description: | PETIT THEFT ($100 OR LESS) |
Bp: | B |
Bond amount: | NBR |
Agency: | HCSO |