Date of birth: | Jul 24, 1971 |
Report: | 97-14351/1 |
Arrest date: | Apr 5, 2005 |
Arrest location: | 29193 OLD TRILBY RD |
Booking location: | Hernando County, FL |
Arrest date: | Aug 25, 2000 |
Arrest location: | 29193 OLD TRILBY RD |
Booking location: | Hernando County, FL |
Arrest date: | Oct 8, 1999 |
Arrest location: | CORTEZ BV & MONDON HILL RD |
Booking location: | Hernando County, FL |
Arrest date: | Dec 30, 1997 |
Arrest location: | 29193 OLD TRILBY RD |
Booking location: | Hernando County, FL |
Arrest date: | Sep 4, 1997 |
Arrest location: | 29193 OLD TRILBY RD |
Booking location: | Hernando County, FL |
Arrest date: | Feb 28, 1996 |
Arrest location: | 20144 CORTEZ BV |
Booking location: | Hernando County, FL |
Description: | 948.06 - VIOLATION OF PROBATION |
Description: | WARRANT ARREST |
Description: | 812.014 - GRAND THEFT-AUTO |