Report number: | 130032502 |
Booking name: | MEZA,LUIS |
Arrest location: | 300 SW 5TH |
Booking number: | 1311701 |
Booking location: | Texas |
Charge literal: | POSS MARIJ |
Charge: | 481.121(B)(1) |
Bond amount: | $0 |
Agency: | GPPD |
Warrant: | K035454201 |
Charge literal: | DRIVE UNDER THE INFL |
Charge: | 000502 |
Bond amount: | $575 |
Agency: | GPPD |
Warrant: | K035454202 |
Charge literal: | NO OPERATORS LICENSE |
Charge: | 000101 |
Bond amount: | $270 |
Agency: | GPPD |
Warrant: | K035454203 |
Charge literal: | FMFR #1 |
Charge: | 003168 |
Bond amount: | $400 |
Agency: | GPPD |
Warrant: | K035454301 |
Charge literal: | FAILURE TO CONTROL S |
Charge: | 000809 |
Bond amount: | $280 |
Agency: | GPPD |
Warrant: | K036948001 |
Charge literal: | SPEEDING I 30 MILE Z |
Charge: | 000801 |
Bond amount: | $330 |
Agency: | GPPD |
Warrant: | K037470101 |
Charge literal: | DEALER LICENSE VIOLA |
Charge: | 001502 |
Bond amount: | $310 |
Agency: | GPPD |
Warrant: | K037470102 |
Charge literal: | NO OPERATORS LICENSE |
Charge: | 000101 |
Bond amount: | $344 |
Agency: | GPPD |
Warrant: | K037470103 |
Charge literal: | ALLOW CHILD (5-16) T |
Charge: | 003176 |
Bond amount: | $359 |
Agency: | GPPD |
Warrant: | K038064601 |
Charge literal: | RAN STOP SIGN |
Charge: | 000207 |
Bond amount: | $265 |
Agency: | GPPD |
Warrant: | K038064602 |
Charge literal: | NO DRIVER LICENSE NO |
Charge: | 000123 |
Bond amount: | $344 |
Agency: | GPPD |
Warrant: | K038064603 |
Charge literal: | FAIL TO MAINTAIN FIN |
Charge: | 003166 |
Bond amount: | $525 |
Agency: | GPPD |
Warrant: | K041229701 |
Charge literal: | PARK CURFEW VIOLATIO |
Charge: | 036031 |
Bond amount: | $350 |
Agency: | GPPD |
Warrant: | K041229702 |
Charge literal: | POSS DRUG PARAPHERNA |
Charge: | 002805 |
Bond amount: | $550 |
Agency: | GPPD |