Date of birth: | Mar 30, 1980 |
Hair: | Black |
Eyes: | Brown |
Inmate number: | 982833 |
Category: | ADULT |
Bond amount: | $23,000 |
Facility: | CFRC-MAIN |
DC number: | X65032 |
Number of holds: | 1 |
Cell: | BRCMBFNA |
Arresting agency: | KPD |
Arrest date: | Mar 27, 2015 |
Booking number: | 272366 |
Booking location: | Osceola County, FL |
Release date: | Jan 29, 2010 |
Booking location: | Orange County, FL |
Booking number: | 17001300 |
Booking date: | Jan 14, 2017 |
Booking location: | Orange County, FL |
Statute: | 787.01-1A2 - KIDNAP COMMIT/FACILI O/FELONY |
Reference: | 15CF1136 |
Offense: | 576727 |
Jstat: | PAR |
Dsp date: | Mar 27, 2015 |
Booking: | 272366 |
Bond amount: | $0 |
Statute: | 784.045-1B - AGG BATTERY ON PREGNANT WOMAN |
Reference: | 15CF1136 |
Offense: | 576728 |
Jstat: | PAR |
Dsp date: | Mar 27, 2015 |
Booking: | 272366 |
Bond amount: | $10,000 |
Reference: | 15CF1136 |
Offense: | 576729 |
Jstat: | PAR |
Dsp date: | Mar 27, 2015 |
Booking: | 272366 |
Bond amount: | $10,000 |
Statute: | 784.041-2A - COM DOMESTIC BAT BY STRANGULAT |
Reference: | 15CF1136 |
Offense: | 576730 |
Jstat: | PAR |
Dsp date: | Mar 27, 2015 |
Booking: | 272366 |
Bond amount: | $2,500 |
Statute: | 782.051-1 - SPECIF FEL COM ACT C/C DEATH |
Reference: | 15CF1136 |
Offense: | 576731 |
Jstat: | PAR |
Dsp date: | Mar 27, 2015 |
Booking: | 272366 |
Bond amount: | $0 |
Reference: | 15CF1136 |
Offense: | 576732 |
Jstat: | PAR |
Dsp date: | Mar 27, 2015 |
Booking: | 272366 |
Bond amount: | $500 |
Sentence length: | 1Y 1M 11D |
Discharge date: | Sep 29, 2009 |
Offense date: | Sep 22, 2006 |
Offense: | FALS.IMPRSN-NO 787.01 INT |
County: | ORANGE |
Case number: | 0613579 |
Court location: | TC1 - ORLANDO |
Charge: | Dui - Driving While Under The Influence |
Case status: | Presentenced |
Case sequence: | 598 |
Bond amount: | $500 |
Agency: | Florida Highway Patrol |
Court location: | TC1 - ORLANDO |
Charge: | Refuse To Submit To Dui Test |
Case status: | Presentenced |
Case sequence: | 599 |
Bond amount: | $100 |
Agency: | Florida Highway Patrol |