Date of birth: | Apr 28, 1989 |
Visiting info: | No Visits at this time |
Mail money orders to: | MARCUS HOOPER - 1504357; 900 Sycamore St.; Cincinnati, OH 45202 |
Jms number: | 1504357 |
Housing location: | DET-S2 |
Control number: | 27910416 |
Active holder: | Yes |
Booking location: | Hamilton County, OH |
Muni case: | 013/CRB/14456 |
Court date: | Jun 5, 2013 |
Charge disposition: | CRIMINAL TRESPASS M4 |
Charge desc: | 2911-21 - CRIMINAL TRESPASS M4 |
Fine: | $0 |
Common pleas case: | B-1101887 |
Charge desc: | 2951-08 - *** ARREST OF PROBATIONER *** |
Charge comments: | ORIG FORGERY |
Bond amount: | $0 |
Fine: | $0 |
Common pleas case: | B-1101887 |
Charge disposition: | FORGERY-POSSESS TO UTTER F4 |
Charge desc: | 2913-31A3 - FORGERY-POSSESS TO UTTER F4 |
Bond amount: | $0 |