Date of birth: | Dec 30, 1975 |
Hair: | Blond |
Eyes: | Brown |
Scars marks tattos: | Description CONV: S-ACR LWRABD R-KNEE T-L ANKLE |
Odoc: | 254302 |
Booking location: | Bryan County, OK |
Term code: | Probation |
Term: | 5Y 0M 0D |
Start: | May 1, 1997 |
Offense: | Child Abuse |
End: | 04/30/2002 |
Crf: | 1996-372 |
County: | BRYA |
Conviction: | May 1, 1997 |
Term code: | Incarceration |
Term: | 114D |
Start: | May 13, 1997 |
Offense: | Child Abuse |
End: | 01/09/1997 |
Crf: | 96-372 |
County: | BRYA |
Conviction: | May 1, 1997 |
Term code: | Int. Probation |
Term: | 3 Y |
Start: | Dec 3, 2007 |
Offense: | Assault &/Or Battery W/Deadly Weapon |
End: | 12/02/2010 |
Crf: | 07-0395 |
County: | AZJR |
Term code: | SUSPENDED |
Term: | 5 Y |
Start: | Apr 24, 2003 |
Offense: | Poss Of Controlled Substance |
End: | 04/23/2008 |
Crf: | 2003-18 |
County: | COAL |
Term code: | SUSPENDED |
Term: | 5 Y |
Start: | Apr 24, 2003 |
Offense: | False Personation |
End: | 04/23/2008 |
Crf: | 2003-19 |
County: | COAL |