Probable cause affidavit: |
SUBMITTED BY: COOK, JASON 1333 (AR15-16681) DID UNLAWFULLY HAVE IN HIS ACTUAL OR CONSTRUCTIVE POSSESSION A CONTROLLED SUBSTANCE, TO WIT: cocaine WITH total WEIGHT OF 3.2 grams, IN VIOLATION OF FLORIDA STATE STATUTE NUMBER 893.13(6)(A). on 100315, at 0147 hours , i was dispATchED TO the brEakroom BILLIARDS located at 299 eAST gulf to lake hIGHWAY IN LECANTO, in REFERENCE to possIBLE drug sales. i arrived on scenE AND made conTACT with the manager, who stated that inside was an adult wHITE male weArinG a blue fishing shirt and baseball CAP who was aSking cusTOMERS and employees if they wAnted to party and showing a clear plastic bag with a white substance in his waistband. i entered the breakroom and located a white male matchING the manageRâS descripTion Playing pool on the north end of the building. he was later idenTIFIED as the defendant mr mark henry Maillet, jr. i made conTACT with mr maILLET and askED him if he would mind stEPPING outSidE to tALk with me. as we walked outside mr mAILLET was staggering appearing to be intoxicated. whilE outSide i asked mr mAILLET how much he had to drink tonigHT. he stated, ââa few drinks, but that he was not drivING becAUSE hIS mothER was GoING to picK him up.ââ i AskEd mr mAILLET if he hAD partaKEN in any illEGAL activitIes, to which he replied ââi Smoked a littLE weed earlier.ââ i then asked mr maILLET if he HAD anythiNG illEGAL on him, to which he stated, ââno.ââ i also asked if i couLD pat him down for weapons, to which he agreed and without aSKinG mr mAILLET begAN to remOVE all items from his pocKETS and place them on the hoOd of my patROL car. also wIThoUt asking, MR MAILLET Then turned away from me, spRead his feet, and put his hands out to the sideS. whiLE patting MR MAILLET down, i felt a bulge on the front, right side of his waiStband and could feel a thin plastic material which felt like a baggie prOTRUDING out of the top of his waiStbAnD. due to the staTEmenTs from the manager that MR MAILLET had a bag of cocaine in his waistband, i beliEved the baggie could possiblY be illegaL drugs. i remOVED the plasTIC baggie which contaINED a whiTe powdery substance and plaCED it on the hoOd of my paTroL car. i Asked MR MAILLET what was in the baggie and he statED that iT was marijuanA. i tolD MR MAILLET that i knew it was not marijuanA and that i WoulD be testIng it, at which timE he stated it was cocaine. at that timE, i infORMED the defendant he was beING detained. the defendant was then hanDcuffed (double locked) behinD his back and HIS mirandA RIGHTS WERE READ to him at 0222 hours. the defendant stATED that he underSTOOD his rights and WiShEd to speak with me. when asked wHerE he had purCHASED the cocainE he stated, ââin crystal river from travaughn brooks.ââ the defendant was adamANT about workING WiTh ThE shErIFFâS office and stated that he could buy aN ââeight ballââ right now. deputy marshall (1336) then arrived on scene and tested the whiTe poWDERY substance uSinG an aGENCY issUED cocAINE test kit, which yIelDED a posITIVE resULT for cocaine. the cocAine weiGHED appROXIMATELY 1.4 grams, inclUDING the baggie. i then wAlkeD the defendant to the reAr oF my patROL car. when the defENDANT walKED away with me deputy hunter (0441) observed another baggie of white powDERY subSTANCE On the groUnd wherE the defENDANT HAD BEEN standing. at that time, i askEd the defendant if that was his other baggie of cocaine. the defendant stated, ââ you only have one bag on me and i am goIng to beat this charge becAUSE i am goIng to call morgan and morgan.ââ at that time, the defendant was plACED in the reaR of my patROL car and sEAt belTED in. depUTY marshall (1336) then tested the whiTE powDERY subSTANCE from the baggie that was found on the grounD with an agenCY issUED cocAINE test kit. the substANCE yIelDED a posITIVE resULT for cocAINE and wEIGHTED appROXIMATELY 1.8 gramS, incLUDING the baggie. i made contact with three employees of the breakroom, ms lauren hewEs, MS megan livesay, and MS sally may, who all stated that the defendant HAD approached them while they were outside AT the rear of the business and asked them ââif they wanted to partyââ lifTing up his shirt and showinG them two baggies containING a whiTE pOwDERY substance, which they beliEved to be cocaine. all three witnesses provIDed me with swoRn, written statements, which were collected and turnED in to records. THE defendantâS mothEr arRived on scene and collected all of the defendantâs perSonAL items at his request. the defendant was PlAcED under arrest at 0321 hours and trANSPORTED to THE COUNTY JAIL. whilE en route he stated numerous times that he was going TO ââhire morgan and morGAN and beat these charges.ââ the defendant was charged with possESSION of A contROLLED subSTANCE and HIS bond sEt at $2,000.00, per the bond schedulE. both baggIES conTAINING cocaine were packaged and turned in to evidence. |