Date of birth: | Mar 9, 1963 |
Hair: | Blond |
Eyes: | Blue |
Release date: | Sep 26, 2007 |
Inmate status: | RELS |
City of birth: | BROOKLYNN |
Cin: | 499144 |
Build: | MED |
Booking number: | 200710868 |
Booking date: | Aug 15, 2007 |
Bn: | 93816 |
Birth place: | NY |
Arrest date: | Aug 15, 2007 |
Arresting agency: | OTHER |
Booking location: | Pasco County, FL |
Arresting agency: | OTHER |
Arrest date: | Aug 15, 2007 |
Arrest type: | COURT COMMITT |
Dispo type: | PROB |
Court case: | CTC0706047MMAWS |
Code: | 999.99 |
Charge seq: | 1 |
Charge description: | CHARGE ENTERED IN ERROR |
Bond amount: | $0 |
Dispo type: | PROB |
Court case: | CTC0706047MMAES |
Code: | 900.04 |
Charge seq: | 1 |
Charge description: | CONTEMPT OF COURT MISD |
Bond amount: | $0 |