Date of birth: | Aug 31, 1965 |
Supervising agent: | Pat Follmer |
Oid number: | 145408 |
Inmate status: | Supervised Release |
Facility: | SUPV REL |
Expiration date: | Dec 23, 2011 |
Admit date: | Jul 28, 2010 |
Status: | Under Supervision as of 01/25/2016. Currently with Ramsey Community Corrections. |
Discharge date: | Feb 25, 2015 |
Offense: | Counterfeiting/Fraud |
Case number: | Ramsey - 62-CR-14-9574 |
Release date: | May 24, 2011 |
Booking location: | Ramsey County, MN |
Arresting agency: | Joe Jacobs |
Jail name: | Minnesota State Prison |
Offense modifier: | NOT/APPL |
Offense description: | CON SUB 5-POSSESS-CRACK-UNK |
Minnesota statute s: | 152.025.2(a)(1) |
Court file number: | 62CR0916995 |
Conviction county: | RAMSEY |