Date of birth: | Sep 1963 |
Hair: | Brown |
Eyes: | Blue |
Inmate location: | 3EWC215-1L |
Facility: | Racine County Jail |
Custody date: | Jan 21, 2014 |
Court branch info: | Circuit CourtFelony |
Bail amount: | $5,850 |
Booking number: | 2014000580 |
Booking location: | Racine County, WI |
Booking number: | 2016004431 |
Booking location: | Racine County, WI |
Booking number: | 2015001584 |
Booking location: | Racine County, WI |
Booking number: | 2014006962 |
Booking location: | Racine County, WI |
Description: | Operating While Intox.-pac.1%+ |
Court branch info: | Circuit CourtFelony |
Charge: | 346.63(1)(b) |
Case: | 12cf1186 |
Type: | Cash |
Description: | Battery (simple) Class (a) Misdemeanor |
Court branch info: | Circuit CourtMisdemeanor |
Charge: | 940.19(1) |
Case: | 16-24571 |
Bail amount: | $500 |
Type: | Cash |
Description: | Strangulation and suffocation |
Court branch info: | Circuit CourtFelony |
Charge: | 940.235(2) |
Case: | 16-24571 |
Bail amount: | $5,000 |
Type: | Cash |
Description: | Criminal Damage To Property |
Court branch info: | Circuit CourtMisdemeanor |
Charge: | 943.01 |
Case: | 16-24571 |
Bail amount: | $200 |
Type: | Cash |
Description: | Disorderly Conduct |
Court branch info: | Circuit CourtMisdemeanor |
Charge: | 947.01 |
Case: | 16-24571 |
Bail amount: | $150 |
Type: | Cash |
Description: | Disorderly Conduct |
Court branch info: | Racine County Circuit Court |
Charge: | 947.01 |
Case: | 15-8303 |
Bail amount: | $150 |
Type: | Cash |
Description: | Tro/injunction Violation |
Court branch info: | Circuit CourtMisdemeanor |
Charge: | 813.12(7) |
Case: | 14-41075 |
Bail amount: | $500 |