Date of birth: | Dec 16, 1961 |
Hair: | Blond or strawberry |
Eyes: | Green |
Supervision: | Community Corr. |
Name type: | Conviction |
Kdoc: | 6081432 |
Skin tone: | LIGHT |
Nationality: | AMERICAN |
Build: | SMALL |
Booking location: | Harvey County, KS |
Offense date: | Jan 1, 1900 |
Description: | COMMITMENT |
Case number: | UNASSIGNED |
Sentencing date: | Jan 5, 2011 |
Offense date: | May 23, 2010 |
Description: | Driving under influence of alcohol or drugs - 3rd or subsequent conviction |
Crime level: | Nongrid |
County: | Harvey |
Case status II: | Active |
Case number I: | 10-CR-274 |
Description: | Agency Bond Status Bond Amount BOnd Type NPD 0.00 NO BOND |