Mason Tyler Davis

Last Updated: January 18th, 2025
Jail Location
White Male
6′ 2″ (1.88m)
145lbs (66kg)

Personal Details

Date of birth: May 23, 1996
Hair: Brown
Eyes: Blue
Occupation: COOK
Marital status: Single
Juvenile: No
Jca number: 83063
Hold for: CCSO
Education: 11th
Dl number: D120558961830
Date confined: Mar 25, 2016
Citizen: US - United States
Birth place: US
Releasing officer: E. Martin

Recent Arrests

Booking number: 201500075
Booking officer: T. Buotte
Release reason: Other Agency
Release date: Jan 6, 2015
Booking location: Charlotte County, FL

Booking number: 201601762
Booking officer: G. Carter
Booking location: Charlotte County, FL

Booking number: 201600667
Booking officer: V. Mullin
Booking location: Charlotte County, FL

Booking number: 201506603
Booking officer: S. Humphrey
Booking location: Charlotte County, FL

Recent Charges

Oca number: 1501-001795/15-7-0
Obts number: 0803101923
Charge description: 901.04 - Out of County Warrant (LEV:N DEG:N 6265)
Bond amount: $1,500
Arresting officer: S. Sarver
Arrest location: 2 MARINER LANE
Agency: FL0080000

Oca number: 1603-011459/16-7465F
Obts number: 0803111745
Charge description: 812.014 2e - LARC / PETIT 1ST DEGREE PROPERTY 100 TO UND 300 DOLS (LEV M DEG F 2797)
Bond amount: $1,500
Arresting officer: B. Prummell III
Arrest location: 5855 PLACIDA RD, ROTONDA WEST, FL
Agency: FL0080000

Oca number: 1603-011464/
Obts number: 0803111745
Charge description: 562.111 - Possession of Alcohol by Person Under 21 YOA 1st Off (LEV:M DEG:S 2045)
Bond amount: $500
Arresting officer: B. Prummell III
Arrest location: 5855 PLACIDA RD, ROTONDA WEST, FL
Agency: FL0080000

Oca number: 1603-011464/16-526M
Obts number: 0803111745
Charge description: 856.021 - Loitering or Prowling (LEV:M DEG:S 3246)
Bond amount: $1,000
Arresting officer: B. Prummell III
Arrest location: 5855 PLACIDA RD, ROTONDA WEST, FL
Agency: FL0080000

Oca number: 1603-011464//16-526M
Obts number: 0803111745
Charge description: 893.13 6b - Marijuana - Possess Not More Than 20 Grams (LEV:M DEG:F 3696)
Bond amount: $1,000
Arresting officer: B. Prummell III
Arrest location: 5855 PLACIDA RD, ROTONDA WEST, FL
Agency: FL0080000

Oca number: 1603-011464//16-526M
Obts number: 0803111745
Charge description: 893.147 1 - Drug Paraphernalia - Possession or Use Of (LEV:M DEG:F 3768)
Bond amount: $500
Arresting officer: B. Prummell III
Arrest location: 5855 PLACIDA RD, ROTONDA WEST, FL
Agency: FL0080000

Oca number: 1603-011459/16-465F
Obts number: 0803111745
Charge description: 810.02 4a - Burglary of an Unoccupied Structure Unarmed (LEV:F DEG:T 6266)
Bond amount: $1,500
Arresting officer: B. Prummell III
Arrest location: 5855 PLACIDA RD, ROTONDA WEST, FL
Agency: FL0080000

Oca number: 1602-000328/16-217M
Obts number: 0803110680
Charge description: 806.13 1b2 - Criminal Mischief Between $200 and $1000 Damage (LEV:M DEG:F 2755)
Bond amount: $2,000
Arresting officer: J. Kranz
Arrest location: 2110 MISSISSIPPI AVE
Agency: FL0080000

Oca number: 1602-000328/16-217M
Obts number: 0803110680
Charge description: 806.13 1b2 - Criminal Mischief Between $200 and $1000 Damage (LEV:M DEG:F 2755)
Bond amount: $0
Arresting officer: J. Kranz
Arrest location: 2110 MISSISSIPPI AVE
Agency: FL0080000

Oca number: 1510-004491
Charge description: 784.03 1a1 - Battery by Intentional Touch or Strike (LEV:M DEG:F 2560)
Bond amount: $0
Arresting officer: M. Piloto
Arrest location: 1910 S. MCCALL RD ENGLEWOOD,FL
Agency: FL0080000


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Records published on this website are in no way an indication of guilt or evidence that a crime was committed. Every person mentioned on this website is presumed innocent until proven guilty in a court of law. Arrest and other court records do not imply guilt. Criminal charges are only formal allegations. For complete case records, contact the relevant law enforcement or judicial agency.