Date of birth: | Apr 23, 1970 |
Hair: | Black |
Eyes: | Brown |
Initial receipt date: | Nov 19, 2004 |
Facility: | R.M.C.- MAIN UNIT |
DC number: | L48254 |
Current custody: | MEDIUM |
Inmate status: | Confinement |
Designation: | Sexual Offender |
Department of corrections: | L48254 |
Type: | TATTOO |
Location: | RIGHT ARM |
Description: | HEART |
Release date: | Aug 19, 2015 |
Booking location: | Miami-Dade County, FL |
Booking location: | Broward County, FL |
Sentence length: | 3Y 0M 0D |
Discharge date: | Nov 1, 2004 |
Offense date: | Jan 1, 2002 |
Offense: | L/L BATTERY V 12-15 YO |
County: | MIAMI-DADE |
Case number: | 0228187 |
Sentence length: | 15Y 0M 0D |
Discharge date: | Jul 21, 2003 |
Offense date: | Apr 1, 2001 |
Offense: | L/L BATTERY V 12-15 YO |
County: | BROWARD |
Case number: | 0218446 |
Sentence length: | 15Y 0M 0D |
Discharge date: | Jul 21, 2003 |
Offense date: | Apr 1, 2001 |
Offense: | L/L MOLEST V12-15 OFF 18+ |
County: | BROWARD |
Case number: | 0218446 |
Jurisdiction state: | BROWARD, FL |
Crime description: | Lewd or lascivious battery victim 12-15 years old; F.S. 800.04(4) |
Court case: | 0218446 |
Adjudication date: | Jul 21, 2003 |
Adjudication: | Guilty/convict |
Jurisdiction state: | BROWARD, FL |
Crime description: | Lewd or lascivious molestation victim 12-15 years old offender 18 or older; F.S. 800.04(5)(c)(2) |
Court case: | 0218446 |
Adjudication date: | Jul 21, 2003 |
Adjudication: | Guilty/convict |
Jurisdiction state: | MIAMI-DADE, FL |
Crime description: | Lewd or lascivious battery victim 12-15 years old; F.S. 800.04(4) |
Court case: | 0228187 |
Adjudication date: | Nov 1, 2004 |
Adjudication: | Guilty/convict |