Date of birth: | 1974 |
Hair: | Blonde |
Eyes: | Blue |
Jacket number: | 685 |
Inmate classification: | Pre-Trial |
Arresting agency: | Burleigh County Sheriff |
Arrest number: | 17730 |
Arrest date: | Jul 15, 2015 |
Booking date: | Jul 15, 2015 |
Booking location: | Burleigh County, ND |
Arresting agency: | Bismarck Police Department |
Arrest number: | 16271 |
Arrest date: | Apr 20, 2015 |
Booking date: | Apr 20, 2015 |
Booking location: | Burleigh County, ND |
Arresting agency: | Burleigh County Sheriff |
Arrest number: | 5716 |
Arrest date: | May 17, 2013 |
Booking date: | May 17, 2013 |
Booking location: | Burleigh County, ND |
Status: | Sentenced |
Crime type: | F |
Court type: | District Court |
Counts: | 1 |
Charge number: | 82024 |
Charge description: | DUI/APC - 4th or subsequent offense in a Lifetime |
Case number: | BURLEIGH 15-CR-975 |
Bond type: | No Bond - Sentenced |
Arrest date: | Jul 15, 2015 |
Arrest code: | 39-08-01 |
Status: | Pre-Trial |
Crime type: | M |
Court type: | District Court |
Counts: | 1 |
Charge number: | 71065 |
Charge description: | DUI/APC - 3rd offense in 7 year period |
Case number: | BURLEIGH |
Bond type: | Cash or Surety |
Bond amount: | $500 |
Arrest date: | Apr 20, 2015 |
Arrest code: | 39-08-01 |
Status: | Pre-Trial |
Court type: | District Court |
Charge number: | 14846 |
Charge description: | Forgery/Counterfeit |
Bond type: | Bail Hearing Required |
Arrest code: | 12.1-24-01(2)(b) |
Status: | Pre-Trial |
Court type: | District Court |
Charge number: | 14847 |
Charge description: | Forgery/Counterfeit- FTA |
Bond type: | Bail Hearing Required |
Arrest code: | 12.1-24-01(2)(b) |
Status: | Pre-Trial |
Court type: | District Court |
Charge number: | 14848 |
Charge description: | Theft of Property Lost, Mislaid, Delivered |
Bond type: | Bail Hearing Required |
Arrest code: | 12.1-23-02&05(4) |
Status: | Holding for Another Agency |
Court type: | District Court |
Charge number: | 14851 |
Charge description: | Burglary-Simple |
Bond type: | Cash Only |
Bond amount: | $1,500 |
Arrest code: | 12.1-22-02 |
Status: | Holding for Another Agency |
Court type: | District Court |
Charge number: | 14852 |
Charge description: | Theft of Property Lost, Mislaid, Delivered |
Bond type: | Cash Only |
Bond amount: | $1,500 |
Arrest code: | 12.1-23-02&05(4) |