Michael Armando Espinoza

Last Updated: February 6th, 2025
Jail Location
New Mexico
White Male
5′ 8″ (1.73m)
180lbs (82kg)

Personal Details

Date of birth: Sep 7, 1964
Hair: Black
Eyes: Brown
Inmate number: 205015
Zip code: 87532
State no: 012130053123
Current location: RELEASED
Probation/Parole officer: DANIEL S BARELA
Offender status: PROBATION/PAROLE
Nmcd: 33214
Last known city state: ESPANOLA, NM
Education: 12
Complexion: OLIVE
Birth place: NM

Documented Aliases

Michael Armando Espinosa

Known addresses

New Mexico
Released, New Mexico 87522
Released, New Mexico 87532
Iowa 50002

Recent Arrests

Booking number: 1500100151
Booking date: Jan 8, 2015
Release date: Jan 31, 2015
Booking location: Santa Fe County, NM

Booking number: 1401006140
Booking date: Aug 3, 2014
Booking location: Santa Fe County, NM

Booking number: 1401005655
Booking date: Jul 13, 2014
Release date: Jul 23, 2014
Booking location: Santa Fe County, NM

Booking number: 1301006393
Booking date: Aug 17, 2013
Release date: Aug 19, 2013
Booking location: Santa Fe County, NM

Booking number: 1301001181
Booking date: Feb 9, 2013
Release date: Mar 1, 2013
Booking location: Santa Fe County, NM

Booking number: 12121008744
Booking date: Sep 24, 2012
Booking location: Santa Fe County, NM

Booking number: 12121007387
Booking date: Aug 10, 2012
Release date: Aug 12, 2012
Booking location: Santa Fe County, NM

Booking number: 1100107159
Booking date: Sep 30, 2011
Booking location: Santa Fe County, NM

Booking number: 1100103646
Booking date: May 24, 2011
Release date: Jun 17, 2011
Booking location: Santa Fe County, NM

Booking number: 1100102939
Booking date: Apr 27, 2011
Release date: May 6, 2011
Booking location: Santa Fe County, NM

Booking number: 1100101829
Booking date: Mar 17, 2011
Release date: Mar 31, 2011
Booking location: Santa Fe County, NM

Booking number: 1100100072
Booking date: Jan 4, 2011
Release date: Jan 5, 2011
Booking location: Santa Fe County, NM

Booking number: 1000017993
Booking date: Sep 30, 2010
Release date: Dec 7, 2010
Booking location: Santa Fe County, NM

Booking number: 1000017121
Booking date: Aug 31, 2010
Release date: Sep 17, 2010
Booking location: Santa Fe County, NM

Booking number: 1000016043
Booking date: Jul 26, 2010
Release date: Aug 23, 2010
Booking location: Santa Fe County, NM

Booking number: 1000013039
Booking date: Apr 21, 2010
Release date: Apr 23, 2010
Booking location: Santa Fe County, NM

Booking number: 0900019805
Booking date: Dec 17, 2009
Release date: Jan 5, 2010
Booking location: Santa Fe County, NM

Booking number: 0900017956
Booking date: Oct 8, 2009
Release date: Oct 11, 2009
Booking location: Santa Fe County, NM

Booking number: 0900017760
Booking date: Sep 30, 2009
Release date: Oct 1, 2009
Booking location: Santa Fe County, NM

Booking number: 2005010409
Booking date: Jan 14, 2005
Release date: Jun 15, 2005
Booking location: Santa Fe County, NM

Booking number: 2004080590
Booking date: Aug 24, 2004
Release date: Sep 22, 2004
Booking location: Santa Fe County, NM

Booking number: 2004060678
Booking date: Jun 28, 2004
Release date: Jul 12, 2004
Booking location: Santa Fe County, NM

Booking number: 2004060560
Booking date: Jun 22, 2004
Release date: Jun 23, 2004
Booking location: Santa Fe County, NM

Booking number: 2001121108
Booking date: Dec 14, 2001
Release date: Jun 11, 2002
Booking location: Santa Fe County, NM

Booking number: 331630
Booking date: Jun 12, 2001
Release date: Jun 14, 2001
Booking location: Santa Fe County, NM

Booking location: New Mexico

Recent Charges

Statute description: AGGRAVATED D.W.I
Statute: 66-8-102
Charge number: 1
Case number: NMSP
Bond type: UNSEC
Bond amount: $5,000 #1

Statute description: RECKLESS DRIVIING
Statute: 66-8-113
Charge number: 2
Case number: NMSP
Bond type: ASABOVE
Bond amount: $0 #2

Statute description: SUSPENDED REVOKED DL
Statute: 66-5-39.4
Charge number: 3
Case number: NMSP
Bond type: ASABOVE
Bond amount: $0 #3

Statute description: P/C
Statute: P/C
Charge number: 1
Bond amount: $0 #1

Statute description: WARRANT M49FR200100594D2
Statute: M49FR2001005942
Charge number: 1
Bond amount: $50,000 #1

Statute description: WARRANT M49FR200100594D2
Statute: M49FR2001005942
Charge number: 1
Bond amount: $500 #1

Statute description: WARRANT M49FR200100594D2
Statute: M49FR2001005942
Charge number: 1
Bond amount: $233 #1

Statute description: WARRANT M49FR200100594D2
Statute: M49FR2001005942
Charge number: 1
Bond amount: $10,000 #1

Statute description: WARRANT M49FR200100594D2
Statute: M49FR2001005942
Charge number: 1
Bond amount: $1,500 #1

Statute description: ARREST ORDER 1B-04-181 CR2002-476
Statute: 1B-04-181
Charge number: 1
Bond amount: $0 #1

Statute description: FAILURE TO COMPLY
Statute: D101CR201400483
Charge number: 1
Case number: SFSO
Bond type: NO BOND
Bond amount: $0 #1

Statute description: SHOPLIFTING
Statute: 20-12-2(A)
Charge number: 1
Bond amount: $500 #1

Statute description: AGG DUI
Statute: 12-6-12.1
Charge number: 2
Bond amount: $500 #1

Statute description: UNLAWFUL USE OF LICENSE
Statute: 12-6-12.6
Charge number: 3
Bond amount: $500 #1

Statute description: FLEEING/ELUDING OFFICER
Statute: 12-6-12.7
Charge number: 4
Bond amount: $500 #1

Statute description: AGGRAVATED D.W.I
Statute: 66-8-102
Charge number: 1
Case number: ESPD
Bond type: CASH
Bond amount: $10,000 #1

Statute description: AGGRAVATED ASSAULT
Statute: 30-03-03
Charge number: 2
Case number: ESPD
Bond type: ASABOVE
Bond amount: $0 #2

Statute description: DRIV WITH LIC REVOKED
Statute: 66-5-39
Charge number: 3
Case number: ESPD
Bond type: ASABOVE
Bond amount: $0 #3

Statute description: OPEN CONTAINER
Statute: 66-8-138
Charge number: 4
Case number: ESPD
Bond type: ASABOVE
Bond amount: $0 #4

Statute description: BENCH WARRANT
Statute: SH20070000390
Charge number: 1
Case number: SFPD
Bond type: CASH
Bond amount: $500 #1

Statute description: FAILURE TO COMPLY
Statute: D0101CR201000177
Charge number: 1
Case number: SFCSO
Bond type: NO BOND
Bond amount: $0 #1

Statute description: SHOPLIFTING
Statute: 30-16-20
Charge number: 1
Case number: SFPD
Bond type: CASH
Bond amount: $500 #1

Statute description: PROBATION VIOLATION ( FEL
Statute: 31-21-15
Charge number: 2
Case number: APPO
Bond type: NO BOND
Bond amount: $0 #2

Statute description: PROBATION VIOLATION ( FEL
Statute: 31-21-15
Charge number: 3
Case number: APPO
Bond type: NO BOND
Bond amount: $0 #3

Statute description: PROBATION VIOLATION ( FEL
Statute: 31-21-15
Charge number: 1
Case number: NMSP
Bond type: NO BOND
Bond amount: $0 #1

Statute description: WARRANT FOR ARREST
Statute: D0101CR201000177
Charge number: 1
Case number: ESPANOLA P.D.
Bond type: NO BOND
Bond amount: $0 #1

Statute description: PROBATION VIOLATION
Statute: 31-21-15
Charge number: 1
Case number: NMSP
Bond type: NO BOND
Bond amount: $0 #1

Statute description: FAILURE TO COMPLY
Statute: M49IR201400032
Charge number: 1
Case number: SFPD
Bond type: NO BOND
Bond amount: $0 #1

Statute description: REVOKED DL
Statute: 66-5-39
Charge number: 1
Case number: TPD
Bond type: SURETY
Bond amount: $5,000 #1

Statute: 66-5-503
Charge number: 2
Case number: TPD
Bond type: ASABOVE
Bond amount: $0 #2

Statute description: NO REGISTRATION
Statute: 66-3-13
Charge number: 3
Case number: TPD
Bond type: ASABOVE
Bond amount: $0 #3

Statute description: NO INSURANCE
Statute: 66-5-205B
Charge number: 4
Case number: TPD
Bond type: ASABOVE
Bond amount: $0 #4

Statute description: PENALTIES | PENALITES
Statute: 66-5-504B
Charge number: 5
Case number: TPD
Bond type: ASABOVE
Bond amount: $0 #5

Statute description: SHOPLIFTING
Statute: 16-11.7
Charge number: 1
Case number: SFPD
Bond type: CASH
Bond amount: $500 #1

Description: DWI - DRIVING WHILE INTOXICATED 2ND OFF (D-101-CR-2010-00177 )

Description: RESISTING/EVADING AN OFFCR (D-101-CR-2010-00177 )

Description: NON-REGISTRATION OF A SEX OFFENDER (D-101-CR-2002-00477 )

Description: RESIDENTIAL BURGLARY (D-101-CR-2002-00476 )



Description: NON-REGISTRATION OF A SEX OFFENDER (D-0101-CR-02-00477 )

Description: RESIDENTIAL BURGLARY (D-0101-CR-02-00476 )

Description: RESIDENTIAL BURGLARY (CR-2002-00477PV )



Statute description: BATTERY ON A H.H.M
Statute: 30-3-15
Charge number: 1
Case number: SFPD
Bond type: SURETY
Bond amount: $5,000 #1

Statute description: PROBATION VIOLATION
Statute: 31-21-15
Charge number: 2
Case number: APPO
Bond type: NO BOND
Bond amount: $0 #2

Statute description: FAILURE TO COMPLY
Statute: D0101CR201000177
Charge number: 1
Case number: SFPD
Bond type: NO BOND
Bond amount: $0 #1

Statute description: FAILURE TO COMPLY
Statute: D0101CR201000177
Charge number: 1
Case number: SFSO
Bond type: NO BOND
Bond amount: $0 #1

Statute: 30-31-23C
Charge number: 1
Case number: SFPD
Bond type: SURETY/CASH
Bond amount: $750 #1

Statute description: DWI
Statute: 66-8-102
Charge number: 1
Case number: POJOAQUE
Bond type: SURETY
Bond amount: $25,000 #1

Statute: 30-22-1
Charge number: 2
Case number: POJOAQUE
Bond type: ASABOVE
Bond amount: $0 #2

Statute description: REVOKED DRIVERS LICENSE
Statute: 66-05-39
Charge number: 3
Case number: POJOAQUE
Bond type: ASABOVE
Bond amount: $0 #3

Statute description: RECKLESS DRIVING
Statute: 66-08-113
Charge number: 4
Case number: POJOAQUE
Bond type: ASABOVE
Bond amount: $0 #4


Information available through Rain-Street.com is provided for informational purposes only. All records are subject to change and, while every effort is made to ensure the information available is current and accurate, it may contain errors. No guarantee can be made with regard to the accuracy, currency, completeness or usefulness of any information available through this website.

Records published on this website are in no way an indication of guilt or evidence that a crime was committed. Every person mentioned on this website is presumed innocent until proven guilty in a court of law. Arrest and other court records do not imply guilt. Criminal charges are only formal allegations. For complete case records, contact the relevant law enforcement or judicial agency.