Date of birth: | May 1, 1964 |
Hair: | Brown |
Eyes: | Brown |
Targets: | Minor females and males |
Supervised by: | MULTNOMAH COUNTY WEST, 503-988-3136 |
Methods of offending: | Mr.McIntosh has sexually abused children known to him that he has gained access to through positions of trust and authority. |
Conditions restrictions: | No contact with minors, no frequenting a place where minors regularly congregate, no working or volunteering where minors regularly congregate, attend sex offender treatment, polygraph, plethysmograph testing, no contact with victim, no pornograghy, no alcohol, no entry into Bars/Taverns, register as a sex offender, sexually violent dangerous offender. |
Mark: | Scar, Arm, left |
Description: | APPROX 8" SURGERY |
Mark: | Scar, Finger(s), left hand |
Description: | MIDDLE FINGER APPROX 3" |
Booking location: | Marion County, OR |
Offense name: | SODOMY 1-FEL |
Conviction date: | Apr 16, 1984 |
Offense name: | SEX ABUSE 1-FEL |
Conviction date: | Apr 16, 1984 |
Offense name: | SODOMY 1-FEL |
Conviction date: | Apr 6, 1995 |