Date of birth: | Aug 1975 |
Booking location: | Delaware |
Warrant: | U312001201 |
Docket: | 1206017385 |
Court: | Sussex County Family Court |
Comments: | Capias /Fail To Appear - Mediation Cs11-01802 Y |
Warrant: | A512000348 |
Docket: | 1012003862 |
Court: | Laurel Alderman Court 35 |
Comments: | Capias Ftp/Driving Without A Valid License |
Warrant: | A512000349 |
Docket: | 1010012894 |
Court: | Laurel Alderman Court 35 |
Comments: | Capias Ftp/Theft Lost Or Mislaid Property Mistaken Delivery |