Date of birth: | 1949 |
Hair: | Blonde |
Eyes: | Blue |
Status: | Active |
Registration: | 0000004561 |
Level: | Adult Tier III Offender |
Comments: | " Probation Conditions |
Classification: | Adult Tier III Offender |
Description: | Scar on Forehead () |
Description: | Scar on Eye (Right Eye) |
Booking location: | Anderson County, SC |
Booking number: | 0000004561 |
Jail name: | Indiana Sheriffs Association |
Location: | 147 Maryland St, Indianapolis, IN 46204 |
Charge status: | Active |
State equivalent: | 16-15-140 - COMMIT OR ATTEMPT LEWD ACT ON CHILD |
Description: | 16-3-655(B)(2) - CRIM SEX CONDUCT W/ MINOR |
Date convicted: | Oct 17, 1991 |
Conviction state: | South Carolina |
Charges: | N/A |
Details: | 21.11(A)(1)PC CrimeCode: 99.99 CrimeDesc: OUT OF STATE CRIME/CONVICTION |
Description: | 21.11(a)(1) - 36010001-F2-Indecency w/Child Sexual Contact Sexual Motivation |
Date convicted: | Jan 3, 1985 |
Conviction state: | Texas |
Charges: | N/A |