Michel Lee Greenman

Last Updated: January 28th, 2025
Jail Location
White Female

Personal Details

Date of birth: Apr 26, 1964
Probable cause affidavit: SUBMITTED BY: HOLLOWAY, WILLIAM 0463 (AR15-15184) (15-69399) DID UNLAWFULLY AND KNOWINGLY OBTAIN, USE OR ENDEAVOR TO OBTAIN OR USE THE PROPERTY OF THE VICTIM, TO-WIT: XBOX 360, LADDER AND MISCELLANEOUS TOOLS, OF THE VALUE OF THREE HUNDRED DOLLARS ($300.00) OR MORE, BUT LESS THAN FIVE THOUSAND DOLLARS ($5,000.00), TO WIT: $1,500.00, WITH THE INTENT TO EITHER TEMPORARILY OR PERMANENTLY DEPRIVE THE VICTIM OF A RIGHT TO THE PROPERTY OR A BENEFIT THEREOF, OR DID APPROPRIATE THE SAID PROPERTY TO HIS OWN USE OR THE USE OF ANY PERSON NOT ENTITLED THERETO, IN VIOLATION OF FLORIDA STATUTES 812.014. On 052715 at approximately 0007 hours, A burglary was reported at 3891 EAST Bennett stREET, in Inverness. The complaints, MR Brandon Kocher and MS Michel Greenman, advised that unknown person(s) entered the home and removed several items. Ms Greenman advised that she was missing Jewelry, a computer and other miscellaneous items. Mr Kocher advised that he was missing a xbox game station from his bedroom. Ms Greenman later called back to say that her niEce had called her and stated that she had come to her RESIDENCE and found the garage door open. The niece, according to Ms Greenman, said she picked up Ms Greenman's items for safe keeping. On the 052715, in the early morning hours, I was contacted via agency CELLULAR TELEPHONE from witness, MS Paula Flanagan. Ms Flanagan advised that she felt that Ms Greenman was trying to set her up to be arrested. I asked what she meant by this and she stated that Ms Greenman and her had a agreement that Ms Flanagan would sell several items to a pawnshop and they would split the money. She further advised that Ms Greenman was going to move into her home as a roommate. Ms Flanagan then advised that she took several items to Family pawn on behalf of Ms Greenman. Ms Flanagan also advised that when Ms Greenman asked her to do this, that witness number two, MR Jason Adams, was present. I responded to Ms Flanagan's home where she showed me a fan, a coffeemaker and a drill that Ms Greenman also gave her. I then contacted complainant Kocher who advised he did not realize the items were missing, but did identify those as his and his mother's that were stored in the garage. I also responded to Family Pawn and photographed the items there, which later were identified as victim Kocher'S. I then contacted witness TWO, MR Jason Adams, and asked him how he came into possession of the items that he and MS Flanagan had taken to Family Pawn. Mr Adams advised that Ms Greenman had given them the items to pawn in exchange for some of the money and also that not only did Ms Greenman give them the items to pawn, she was making arrangEments to move into Ms Flanagan's Home as a roommate. I then contacted Ms Greenman at her home. I read Ms Greenman her Miranda rights via AN agency ISSUED Miranda card. Ms Greenman told me that she never gave any items to either MS Flanagan or MR Adams. I asked about her reporting items missing from her bedroom and she stated that it was a misunderstanding and that her niece Kitty had come over and found her door unlocked and had taken them for safe keeping. I asked what Kitty's last name was and she stated she did not know, because it was not really her niece, but it was her nephews girlfriend. I asked what the Nephew's last name was and she stated she was nOt sure. I found this odd and asked again and she said it was something like Dominiono. I then asked Who we could ask to verify her story and she stated her mother might know. I then left her residence and responded to her mother's home. Once there, her mother stated that Kitty was Jimmy Bailey's girlfriend and that Richard was the brother. I asked where the DominIOno name came from and she said that they have relaTives up north with that name. I then responded back to the incident address. I again questioned Defendant Greenman about the names and the DISCREPANCIES with the names. I also asked for a TELEphone number that Kitty supposedly called from to tell her she had her items. AT that time, she then advised me that all her items were actually at the RESIDENCE hidden in the closet by Kitty. I then asked about the TELEphone number, which she called from and she stated she could not find her TELEphone. I again thought this was weird since she had it earlier when I was there. On today's date, when I checked my agency voicemail I had two messages from defendant Greenman. The messages stated that she was mistaken and it was not her niEce who moved her items, but it was a lady named Donna who had done it. Also on today's date, I received a call from Victim Kocher who advised that a neighbor called him and said that he believes someone may HAVE just brokeN into his home, because a car parked several yards up the street and walked down to the victim's RESIDENCE. I advised dispatch to send a unit out there and I also responded. Upon arrival, we found Ms Greenman inside, along with two other subjects. I advised Ms Greenman at thAT time that I was placing her under arrest for grand theft. Ms Greenman was handcuffed (double locked) and transported to the citrus county DETENTION FACILITY. Once at the DETENTION FACILITY, a post Miranda digitally recorded interview was conducted. During the interview, the defendant repeatEDly denied giving the two witness's any items to pawn. She did admit to giving witness Flanagan some automotive supplies, such as oil and antifreeze AND OTHER MISCELLANEOUS ITEMS. She stated that she probably should not HAVE done that but she was not sure if it belonged to her or the victims. She further admitted to helping witness Flanagan carry items from Flanagan's VEHICLE into her RESIDENCE, with one of the items being the ladder that was pawned and also some tools but she did not KNOWN, which tools were which. DUE to Ms Greenman's inconsistEnt statements during the course of the investigation and that both witnessEs who were interviewed separateLY and that their stories were consistEnt, Defendant Greenman is being held on one count of grand theft WHERE HER BOND WAS SET AT $2,000.00 per THE BOND scheDule.

Known addresses

3891, Florida 34453

Recent Arrests

Arrest number: 15184
Arrest date: May 28, 2015
Arrest type: Felony
Booking location: Citrus County, FL

Recent Charges

Code: 812.014(2)(C)(1)
Charge description: Grand theft ($300 or more but less than $5,000)
Bond amount: $2,000


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