Michele Laura Norton

Last Updated: January 2nd, 2025
Jail Location
White Female
5′ 11″ (1.80m)
180lbs (82kg)

Personal Details

Date of birth: Apr 8, 1984
Hair: Brown
Eyes: Green
Status: In Custody
Facility: Fillmore Complex
Book: 1401081
Sid number: 4191862T
Mdoc number: 808081
Discharge date: Apr 2, 2014
Rid: 00271045

Scars marks tattoos

Description: Mark- Left Breast

Description: Scar- Right Cheek

Description: Scar- Right Wrist

Description: Tattoo- Back - big cross on back with grandmothers initials "LLP" under it

Description: Tattoo- Left Hand - James on left hand by fingers

Description: Tattoo- Lower Left Leg - foot prints with childrens names "Hali", "Kaiden", "Dakota", "Daela"

Description: Tattoo- Neck - chinese letters on back of nexk in black

Description: Tattoo- Right Leg - "Hali" in green and black on right leg bottom

Description: Tattoo- Wrist - black right writst, trust bothways in black on back of wrist

Recent Arrests

Booking date: Feb 21, 2014
Booking location: Ottawa County, MI

Arrest number: 5417852
Booking date: Sep 1, 2013
Booking location: Kent County, MI

Booking location: Ottawa County, MI

Recent Charges

Fines: $0.00
District court: 17TH CIRCUIT COURT
Circuit court case: 1206912FH
Circuit court: 17TH CIRCUIT COURT
Charge disposition date: Sep 5, 2013
Charge disposition: SERVING SENTENCE
Charge description: PROBATION VIOLATION
Bond amount: $0

Sentencing details: 28 Day(s) County Jail Mandatory Work Release Allowed
Fines: $498.00
District court case: 45116
Complaint: 170-110413157
Circuit court case: 35592
Charge number: 1
Charge disposition: Guilty Plea
Charge description: RETAIL FRAUD - 1ST DEGREE
Bond amount: $2,500
Agency: Ottawa County Sheriff Department

Sentencing details: 15 Day(s) County Jail Mandatory Work Release Allowed
Fines: $794.00
District court case: 46070
Complaint: 170-110703126
Circuit court case: 35756
Charge number: 2
Charge disposition: Guilty Plea
Charge description: RETAIL FRAUD - 1ST DEGREE
Bond amount: $5,000
Agency: Ottawa County Sheriff Department

Sentencing details: 49 Day(s) County Jail Mandatory
Fines: $828.00
District court case: 50335
Complaint: 170-120518215
Circuit court case: 36601
Charge number: 3
Charge disposition: Guilty Plea
Charge description: POSS CS-NARC OR COC LT25 GRAMS
Bond amount: $3,000
Agency: Ottawa County Sheriff Department

Fines: $0.00
District court case: 56094
Complaint: 170-130609140
Charge number: 4
Charge description: FORGERY
Bond amount: $3,000
Agency: Ottawa County Sheriff Department

Fines: $0.00
District court case: 56094
Complaint: 170-130609140
Charge number: 5
Bond amount: $3,000
Agency: Ottawa County Sheriff Department

Fines: $350.00
District court case: 45116
Complaint: 170-110413157
Circuit court case: 35592
Charge number: 6
Charge disposition: Guilty Plea
Charge description: PROBATION VIOLATION
Bond amount: $2,500
Agency: Ottawa County Sheriff Department

Fines: $0.00
District court case: 46070
Complaint: 170-110703126
Circuit court case: 35756
Charge number: 7
Charge disposition: Guilty Plea
Charge description: PROBATION VIOLATION
Bond amount: $5,000
Agency: Ottawa County Sheriff Department

Fines: $0.00
District court case: 50335
Complaint: 170-120518215
Circuit court case: 36601
Charge number: 8
Charge description: PROBATION VIOLATION
Bond amount: $3,000
Agency: Ottawa County Sheriff Department

Fines: $0.00
District court case: 45116
Complaint: 170-110413157
Circuit court case: 35592
Charge number: 9
Charge description: PROBATION VIOLATION
Bond amount: $2,500
Agency: Ottawa County Sheriff Department

Fines: $0.00
District court case: 46070
Complaint: 170-110703126
Circuit court case: 35756
Charge number: 10
Charge description: PROBATION VIOLATION
Bond amount: $5,000
Agency: Ottawa County Sheriff Department


Status: Inactive
Sentence number: 2
Discharge date: Sep 5, 2013
Offense date: May 18, 2012
Offense: Retail Fraud - 1st Degree
Mcl: 750.356C
Maximum sentence: 2 years 0 months
Discharge reason: Probation Violator Technical Violation
Court file number: 1206912-FH
County: Kent
Conviction type: Plea

Status: Inactive
Sentence number: 4
Discharge date: Mar 31, 2014
Offense date: May 19, 2012
Offense: Controlled Substance-Possess Narcotic/Cocaine
Mcl: 333.74032A5
Maximum sentence: 1 year 6 months
Discharge reason: Probation Violator Technical Violation
Court file number: 1236601-FH
County: Ottawa
Conviction type: Plea

Status: Inactive
Sentence number: 3
Discharge date: Mar 31, 2014
Offense date: Jul 3, 2011
Offense: Retail Fraud - 1st Degree
Mcl: 750.356C
Maximum sentence: 3 years 0 months
Discharge reason: Probation Violator Technical Violation
Court file number: 1135756-FH
County: Ottawa
Conviction type: Plea

Status: Inactive
Sentence number: 1
Discharge date: Mar 31, 2014
Offense date: Apr 13, 2011
Offense: Retail Fraud - 1st Degree
Mcl: 750.356C
Maximum sentence: 3 years 0 months
Discharge reason: Parole Violator Technical Violation
Court file number: 1135592-FH
County: Ottawa
Conviction type: Plea


Information available through Rain-Street.com is provided for informational purposes only. All records are subject to change and, while every effort is made to ensure the information available is current and accurate, it may contain errors. No guarantee can be made with regard to the accuracy, currency, completeness or usefulness of any information available through this website.

Records published on this website are in no way an indication of guilt or evidence that a crime was committed. Every person mentioned on this website is presumed innocent until proven guilty in a court of law. Arrest and other court records do not imply guilt. Criminal charges are only formal allegations. For complete case records, contact the relevant law enforcement or judicial agency.