Michelle N King

Last Updated: February 3rd, 2025
Jail Location
White Female

Personal Details

Date of birth: May 3, 1963
Probable cause affidavit: SUBMITTED BY: BONURA, MATTHEW 0334 (AR09110018) VICK, BRYAN 0684 UNLAWFULLY AND KNOWINGLY HAVE IN HER ACTUAL OR CONSTRUCTIVE POSSESSION A CONTROLLED SUBSTANCE, TO WIT: FOUR DARVOCET PILLS, IN VIOLATION OF FLORIDA STATE STATUTE 893.13(6)(A) AND UNLAWFULLY AND KNOWINGLY HAVE IN HER ACTUAL OR CONSTRUCTIVE POSSESSION A CONTROLLED SUBSTANCE, TO WIT: CANNABIS, COMMONLY REFERRED TO AS MARIJUANA, IN AN AMOUNT OF TWENTY GRAMS OR LESS, IN VIOLATION OF FLORIDA STATE STATUTE 893.13(6)(B) AND UNLAWFULLY HAVE IN HER ACTUAL OR CONSTRUCTIVE POSSESSION WITH THE INTENT TO USE, OR DID UNLAWFULLY USE, AN OBJECT INTENDED OR DESIGNED FOR USE IN STORING, CONCEALING OR INJECTING, INGESTING, INHALING OR OTHERWISE INTRODUCING INTO THE HUMAN BODY, A CONTROLLED SUBSTANCE, TO WIT: CANNABIS, COMMONLY REFERRED TO AS MARIJUANA, SAID OBJECT BEING A SILVER MARIJUANA PIPE, IN VIOLATION OF FLORIDA STATE STATUTES 893.145 AND 893.147(1). ON 071509 AT 0115 HOURS, I WAS RUNNING STATIONARY RADAR ON U S HIGHWAY 19 AND ELKHORN WHEN I VISUALLY ESTIMATED THE SPEED OF A VEHICLE TRAVELING SOUTHBOUND ON U S HIGHWAY 19 TO BE 60 MILES PER HOUR (MPH) IN A posted 45 mph speed zone. i activated my front radar antenna, heard a clear doppler tone and received a reading of 58 mph. i initiated a traffic stop at the intersection of west grover cleveland boulevard, just east of u s hIGHwAY 19. corporal bonura made contaCT WITH THE DRIVER/DEFENDANT, MS MICHELE KING, AND OBTAINED HER DRIVER'S LICENSE. WHEN THE DEFENDANT OPENED HER GLOVEBOX TO GET THE VEHICLE'S REGISTRATION OUT, I OBSERVED A SILVER PIPE COMMONLY USED FOR SMOKING MARIJUANA INSIDE THE GLOVEBOX. THE MARIJUANA PIPE HAD A LARGE AMOUNT OF RESIDUE INSIDE OF IT AND A STRONG ODOR OF MARIJUANA EMANATING FROM THE PIPE. CORPORAL BONURA ASKED THE DEFENDANT TO STEP OUT OF THE VEHICLE AND MOVE TO THE FRONT OF HIS PATROL VEHICLE. I READ THE DEFENDANT HER MIRANDA WArnings via agency card, to which the defendant advised corporal bonura and i that she understood her rights and wished to talk to us. she told us she had never seen the pipe that was in the glovebox before. however, later she admitted to HAVING smokED marijuana from that pipe previously. the defendant then gave corPORAL bonura consent to search her vehicle and said there was notHing else illegal in the vehicle. during his searcH of the vehicLe, corpORAL bonura discovered a plastic m&m candy tube inside the cab of her vehicle. the candy tube contained four darvocet pills, a schedule iv narcotic as verified by poison control. when quEstioned about the pills, she advised she had a prescription of them and they were four years old. The DEFENDANT later stated she did not have a prescription for the darvocet PILLS and had obtained them from a patron at her work. also FOUND in that candy tube was an 800 MILLIGRAM IBUPROPHEN PILL WHICH SHE ALSO DID NOT HAVE A VALID PRESCRIPTION FOR. DEPUTY MARSHALL ARRIVED ON SCENE AND RETRIEVED A SMALL BLACK "ONE-TOUCH ULTRA TEST STRIPS" CONTAINER WHICH CONTAINED TWO 50 MILLIGRAM TRAMAdol pills, AS verified by poison control, and half of a soma pill which could not be identified by poison control due to having been cut in half. the defendant advised she knew it waS a soma pill. the defendant was placed under arrest, HANDCUFFED (DOUBLE LOCKED) BEHIND HER BACK AND SECURED IN THE REAR SEAT OF MY PATROL VEHICLE. PRIOR TO LEAVING THE SCENE, the defendant requested that her truck be moved into a parking lot and not towed from the scene. while en route to the citrus county detention facility, corporal bonura advised the defendant that there wAS an additional charge to introduce contraband in to the detention facility. the defenDant advised she had a baggie of marijuana in the front left pocket of her jeans. UPON ARRIVAL AT THE DETENTION FACILITY, i weighed the marijuana and corporal bonura and i observed the scale to read eiGhT grams. all items, including the candy tube containing the one ibuprophen pill and the four darvocet pills, the silver marijuana pipe, the eight grams of marijuana and the black bottle containINg the half soma pill and TWO TRAMAdol pills were all packaged and turned in to evidence. the defendant was issued writtEn warning NUMBER 218151B, FOR UNLAWFUL SPEED, 58 MPH IN A POSTED 45 MPH SPEED ZONE. THE DEFENDANT WAS CHARGED WITH POSSESSION OF A CONTROLLED SUBSTANCE, POSSESSION OF MARIJUANA IN AN AMOUNT UNDER TWENTY GRAMS, AND POSSESSION OF DRUG PARAPHERNALIA. THE DEFENDANT'S TOTAL BOND WAS SET AT $3,000.00, PER the BOND SCHEDULE. *NOT-EXEMPT*
Inmate status: Felony Misdemeanor County/Municipal Traffic Ordinance Warrant/Capias

Known addresses

Florida 34461

Recent Arrests

Arrest date: Jul 15, 2009
Booking number: 09110018
Booking location: Citrus County, FL

Recent Charges

Code: 893.13(6)(a)
Bond amount: $2,000

Code: 893.13(6)(B)
Bond amount: $500

Code: 893.147(1)
Bond amount: $500


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