Michelle Renee Lewis

Last Updated: February 3rd, 2025
Jail Location
White Female
5′ 4″ (1.63m)
176lbs (80kg)

Personal Details

Date of birth: Oct 20, 1975
Hair: Brown, Black
Eyes: Hazel
Scars marks tattos: Description CONV: T-L/HAND TAT L FGR: NCIC Cross
Odoc: 230449
SO#: 40582

Documented Aliases

Terry Jones
Michelle R Lewis
Michelle Lewis
Snuggles Lewis
Crystal M Turco
Amanda White

Known addresses


Recent Arrests

Arresting agency: Department of Public Safety
Booking number: 047435
Booking date: Oct 16, 1997
Release date: Oct 19, 1997
Jail name: Randall County,TX Jail
Location: 9100 Georgia St S, Amarillo, TX 79118

Booking location: Oklahoma County, OK

Recent Charges

Warrant id: 12276C
Charge: POSS CS PG 1 >= 1G < 4G
Issuing auth: DIST
Offense date: Oct 16, 1997
Bond type: $2,500 - Cash Bond
Charge desposition: Converted from Legacy

Term code: Incarceration
Term: 0 Y
Start: Jan 5, 1995
Offense: Burglary Ii
End: 01/04/1995
Crf: 94-7108
County: OKLA
Conviction: Dec 16, 1994

Term code: Incarceration
Term: 0 Y
Start: Jan 5, 1995
Offense: Burglary Ii
End: 01/04/1995
Crf: 94-7109
County: OKLA
Conviction: Dec 16, 1994

Term code: Incarceration
Term: 792D
Start: Jan 5, 1995
Offense: Poss Of Taken Credit Card
End: 12/23/1996
Crf: 94-7109
County: OKLA
Conviction: Dec 16, 1994

Term code: Incarceration
Term: 792D
Start: Jan 5, 1995
Offense: Concealing Stolen Property
End: 12/23/1996
Crf: 94-7109
County: OKLA
Conviction: Dec 16, 1994

Term code: Incarceration
Term: 792D
Start: Jan 5, 1995
Offense: Burglary Ii
End: 12/23/1996
Crf: 94-7345
County: OKLA
Conviction: Dec 16, 1994

Term code: Probation
Term: 5Y 0M 0D
Start: Jan 5, 1995
Offense: Concealing Stolen Property
End: 03/07/1997
Crf: 94-834
County: OKLA
Conviction: Apr 27, 1995

Term code: Incarceration
Term: 3Y 0M 0D
Start: Feb 3, 2000
Offense: Possession Of A Firearm Afcf (Rss)
End: 09/08/2001
Crf: 95-6682
County: OKLA
Conviction: Feb 14, 1997

Term code: Probation
Term: 3Y 0M 0D
Start: Feb 3, 2000
Offense: Poss Of Firearm, Afcf
End: 02/02/2003
Crf: 95-6682
County: OKLA
Conviction: Feb 14, 1997

Term code: Incarceration
Term: 1Y
Start: Feb 3, 2000
Offense: Poss Drug Paraphernalia
End: 05/05/2000
Crf: 99-4977
County: OKLA
Conviction: Dec 22, 1999

Term code: Incarceration
Term: 10Y
Start: Feb 11, 2004
Offense: Assault & Battery With A Dangerous Weapon
End: 01/22/2009
Crf: 99-4977
County: OKLA
Conviction: Dec 22, 1999

Term code: Incarceration
Term: 1Y
Start: Feb 3, 2000
Offense: Poss Cds (Diazepam)
End: 05/05/2000
Crf: 99-4977
County: OKLA
Conviction: Dec 22, 1999

Term code: Incarceration
Term: 1Y
Start: Feb 3, 2000
Offense: Poss Cds (Marihuana)
End: 05/05/2000
Crf: 99-4977
County: OKLA
Conviction: Dec 22, 1999

Term code: Incarceration
Term: 8Y
Start: Feb 3, 2000
Offense: Poss Cds (Cocaine Base)
End: 07/25/2007
Crf: 99-4977
County: OKLA
Conviction: Dec 22, 1999

Term code: Incarceration
Term: 8Y
Start: Feb 3, 2000
Offense: Poss Cds With Intent To Distribute (Meth)
End: 07/25/2007
Crf: 99-4977
County: OKLA
Conviction: Dec 22, 1999

Term code: Incarceration
Term: 1Y
Start: Feb 3, 2000
Offense: Poss Cds(Lortab)
End: 05/05/2000
Crf: 99-4977
County: OKLA
Conviction: Dec 22, 1999

Term code: Incarceration
Term: 8Y
Start: May 17, 2012
Offense: Possession Of Controlled Dangerous Substance (Marijuana) Afcf
End: 04/24/2019
Crf: 2010-806
County: OKLA
Conviction: Apr 19, 2012

Term code: Incarceration
Term: 9Y
Start: Nov 28, 2012
Offense: Unauthorized Use Of A Motor Vehicle
End: 09/09/2021
Crf: 2011-76
County: CLEV
Conviction: Nov 28, 2012

Term code: Incarceration
Term: 9Y
Start: Nov 28, 2012
Offense: Possession Of Controlled Dangerous Substance
End: 09/09/2021
Crf: 2011-76
County: CLEV
Conviction: Nov 28, 2012

Warrant id: 51444-L
Charge: POSS MARIJ < 2OZ
Issuing auth: CCL
Charge desposition: Converted from Legacy

Warrant id: 51,445-L
Issuing auth: CCL
Charge desposition: Converted from Legacy


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Records published on this website are in no way an indication of guilt or evidence that a crime was committed. Every person mentioned on this website is presumed innocent until proven guilty in a court of law. Arrest and other court records do not imply guilt. Criminal charges are only formal allegations. For complete case records, contact the relevant law enforcement or judicial agency.