Date of birth: | May 10, 1957 |
Hair: | Brown |
Eyes: | Green |
Registration address: | Extra Address Line: 755 LEUTHOLD DR 3712 SWENSONS AVE #6 |
Inmate status: | This Offender registered in an outlying office and the Sex Offender/Child Kidnapper Central Registry Office is in the process of verifying the supplied information. |
Inmate name: | MONTE RAY STITHEM |
Booking location: | Alaska |
Statute td: | AS11.41.436(A)(2) |
Offense date: | Mar 20, 2003 |
Description: | Sexual Abuse of Minor 2 |
Court docket number: | 4FA-03-2001 |
Conviction date: | Jun 7, 2004 |