Muhawenimana Silidio

Last Updated: March 2nd, 2025
Jail Location
910 S 27 St, Abilene, TX 79602
Black Male
5′ 3″ (1.60m)
130lbs (59kg)

Personal Details

Date of birth: Sep 1, 1990
Hair: Black
Eyes: Brown
SO#: 100657
Mugshots com: 185276355
Ext id key: 1108997479517359585

Documented Aliases

Silidio Muhawenimana

Known addresses

500 N JUDGE ELY ,APT #5-108,ABILENE, TX 79601
797 Riverbend ,APT B,Abilene, TX 79603
941 MINDA ,ABILENE, TX 79603
797 Riverbend ,Abilene, TX 79603

Recent Arrests

Arresting agency: Jail Lobby
Booking number: 137537
Booking date: Jan 28, 2022
Booking location: Taylor County, TX

Arresting agency: Dept. of Public Safety
Booking number: 134088
Booking date: Jul 15, 2021
Release date: Jul 16, 2021
Booking location: Taylor County, TX

Arresting agency: Abilene Police Department
Booking number: 131432
Booking date: Mar 13, 2021
Release date: Mar 13, 2021
Booking location: Taylor County, TX

Arresting agency: Taylor County Sheriff's Office
Booking number: 090011
Booking date: Apr 7, 2016
Release date: Apr 7, 2016
Jail name: Taylor County Jail
Location: 910 S 27 St, Abilene, TX 79602

Arresting agency: Abilene Police Department
Booking number: 080044
Booking date: Feb 14, 2015
Release date: Feb 14, 2015
Jail name: Taylor County Jail
Location: 910 S 27 St, Abilene, TX 79602

Arresting agency: Abilene Police Department
Booking number: 057482
Booking date: Dec 27, 2012
Release date: Dec 28, 2012
Jail name: Taylor County Jail
Location: 910 S 27 St, Abilene, TX 79602

Arresting agency: Abilene Police Department
Booking number: 049170
Booking date: Mar 8, 2012
Release date: Mar 8, 2012
Jail name: Taylor County Jail
Location: 910 S 27 St, Abilene, TX 79602

Arresting agency: Abilene Police Department
Booking number: 043557
Booking date: Aug 13, 2011
Release date: Aug 13, 2011
Jail name: Taylor County Jail
Location: 910 S 27 St, Abilene, TX 79602

Arresting agency: Abilene Municipal Court
Booking number: 026957
Booking date: Jan 7, 2010
Release date: Jan 7, 2010
Jail name: Taylor County Jail
Location: 910 S 27 St, Abilene, TX 79602

Recent Charges

Warrant id: 2-376-15
Charge: MTR DWI
Issuing auth: County Court at Law 2
Offense date: Feb 13, 2015
Bond type: $4,000 - CSRP/SURETY W-SUPER
Fine or court cost: $32.10
Charge desposition: Court Supervised Release Program

Warrant id: VPTA12-163384J11
Charge: 'C' VPTA
Issuing auth: JP1-1
Offense date: Oct 15, 2012
Bond type: $295 - Surety Bond
Charge desposition: Surety Bond

Warrant id: CR12-163253J11
Issuing auth: JP1-1
Offense date: Sep 6, 2012
Bond type: $417 - Surety Bond
Charge desposition: Surety Bond

Warrant id: 594377
Charge: DWLI
Issuing auth: AMC
Bond type: $555 - Surety Bond
Charge desposition: Surety Bond

Warrant id: 560094A
Charge: FTMFR
Issuing auth: AMC
Bond type: $475 - Surety Bond
Charge desposition: Surety Bond

Warrant id: 560094B
Charge: D W/O VALID DL
Issuing auth: AMC
Bond type: $275 - Surety Bond
Charge desposition: Surety Bond

Warrant id: 560094A-01
Charge: C-FTMFR
Issuing auth: AMC
Bond type: $160 - Surety Bond
Charge desposition: Fine Paid

Warrant id: 574614-01
Charge: C-FTMFR
Issuing auth: AMC
Bond type: $570 - Surety Bond
Charge desposition: Fine Paid

Warrant id: 577977-01
Charge: C-Speeding
Issuing auth: AMC
Bond type: $375 - Surety Bond
Charge desposition: Fine Paid

Warrant id: 577978-01
Charge: C-Drivers License Restriction
Issuing auth: AMC
Bond type: $375 - Surety Bond
Charge desposition: Fine Paid

Warrant id: 577979-01
Charge: C-Fail to CMPLY Striking FEXT on HWY
Issuing auth: AMC
Bond type: $537.50 - Surety Bond
Charge desposition: Fine Paid

Warrant id: 593808A-01
Charge: C-DWLI
Issuing auth: AMC
Bond type: $500 - Surety Bond
Charge desposition: Fine Paid

Warrant id: 593808B-01
Charge: C-Drvie W/Out Valid Inspection
Issuing auth: AMC
Bond type: $225 - Surety Bond
Charge desposition: Fine Paid

Warrant id: 594377-01
Charge: C-DWLI
Issuing auth: AMC
Bond type: $630 - Surety Bond
Charge desposition: Fine Paid

Warrant: 3F DWI 3RD OR MORE

Warrant: APD

Warrant: 03/12/2021

Warrant: 10,000.00 Surety Bond w/Interlock Device

Warrant: Surety Bond

Warrant: 3F DWI (ENHANCED), BI

Warrant: District Clerk

Warrant: 25,000.00 Set by Judge

Warrant: A DWI 2ND- FINAL

Warrant: 350th


Information available through Rain-Street.com is provided for informational purposes only. All records are subject to change and, while every effort is made to ensure the information available is current and accurate, it may contain errors. No guarantee can be made with regard to the accuracy, currency, completeness or usefulness of any information available through this website.

Records published on this website are in no way an indication of guilt or evidence that a crime was committed. Every person mentioned on this website is presumed innocent until proven guilty in a court of law. Arrest and other court records do not imply guilt. Criminal charges are only formal allegations. For complete case records, contact the relevant law enforcement or judicial agency.