Date of birth: | Feb 5, 1982 |
Hair: | Brown, Black |
Eyes: | Brown |
SO#: | 96726 |
Probation/Parole officer: | JESSICA CRUZ |
Offender status: | DISCHARGED |
Last known city state: | SUNLAND PARK, NM |
Facility: | DO6 - SILVER CITY |
Birth place: | TX |
Arresting agency: | Abilene Municipal Court |
Booking number: | 012290 |
Booking date: | Sep 26, 2008 |
Release date: | Sep 27, 2008 |
Jail name: | Taylor County Jail |
Location: | 910 S 27 St, Abilene, TX 79602 |
Booking location: | New Mexico |
Warrant id: | 504737 |
Charge: | DRIVE W/O VALID DL |
Issuing auth: | AMC |
Bond type: | $369.20 - Surety Bond |
Charge desposition: | Time Served |
Description: | CONTRIBUTING TO DELINQUENCY OF MINOR (D-0307-CR-2006-1450 ) |
Description: | INHALANTS ABUSE/POSSESSION (D-0307-CR-2006-1450 ) |