Nathan Dansel Colon

Last Updated: February 15th, 2025
Jail Location
White Male
5′ 7″ (1.70m)
153lbs (69kg)

Personal Details

Date of birth: Feb 10, 1976
Ethnicity: N
Hair: Brown
Eyes: Brown
SO#: 00412006
Release remarks: BECK/REC
Release code: SURETY BOND
Purge: $0.00
Pob: FL
Obts: 9951338
Inmate status: RELEASED
Fine: $0
Caution remarks: POLK CO
Caution ind: HLD
Cash: $0.00
Build: SLE
Bond amount: $1,000
Attorney: NA
Hold: no

Documented Aliases

Nathan Dansel Colon

Recent Arrests

Arresting agency: PCPD
Arrest date: Oct 14, 1997
Booking number: 97054791
Booking date: Oct 14, 1997
Release date: Oct 15, 1997
Booking location: Hillsborough County, FL

Arresting agency: LAKELAND POLICE DEPT.
Booking number: 1997-020612
Booking date: Nov 1, 1997
Release date: Nov 23, 1997
Booking location: Polk County, FL

Recent Charges

Surety: 1000
Statute: 777.7777(7777) CANCEL CASE NUMBER
Charge on arrest docket: BURGLARY OF A CONVEY ORD REV PTR
Charge number: 1
Cash: 250
Bond type: SBN
Bond number: X073007752
Bond amount: $1,000

Surety: 1000
Statute: 812.014(2C1) GT - POCKET PICKING $300 TO 20,000
Charge on arrest docket: GRAND THEFT ORD REV PTR
Charge number: 2
Cash: 250
Bond type: SBN
Bond number: X074007752
Bond amount: $1,000

Report number: 97100947
Remark: H/52 FTA HD IS FOR 53
Obts number: 9951338
No: 1
Disposition: PENDING
Date: Oct 14, 1997
Custody days: 1
Ct case number: 9720304
Court: 99
Count: 1
Code: BATT1000
Class: M1
Charge description: BATTERY (TOUCH OR STRIKE)
Bp: B
Bond amount: $1,000
Agency: PCPD


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Records published on this website are in no way an indication of guilt or evidence that a crime was committed. Every person mentioned on this website is presumed innocent until proven guilty in a court of law. Arrest and other court records do not imply guilt. Criminal charges are only formal allegations. For complete case records, contact the relevant law enforcement or judicial agency.