Date of birth: | Jan 19, 1983 |
Status: | Under Supervision as of 12/21/2015. Currently with Stearns Community Corrections. |
Discharge date: | Jan 7, 2013 |
Expiration date: | Jul 4, 2017 |
Offense: | Drugs |
Case number: | Stearns - 73K506003238 |
Oid number: | 239878 |
Inmate status: | Incarcerated |
Case worker: | K. Heidelberg (952) 496-4440 |
Anticipated release type: | Supervised Release Date |
Admit date: | Jan 8, 2013 |
Release date: | Dec 14, 2015 |
Booking location: | Stearns County, MN |
Arresting agency: | Megan Newland |
Jail name: | Minnesota State Prison |
Offense modifier: | NOT/APPL |
Offense description: | CON SUB 2-SALE-CRACK-SCHOOL ZONE |
Minnesota statute s: | 152.022.1(6) |
Court file number: | 73K506003238 |
Conviction county: | STEARNS |