Date of birth: | 1987 |
Hair: | Brown |
Eyes: | Hazel |
Swis id: | 684768 |
Facility: | MCDC |
Sid number: | 15581669 |
Bond amount: | $56,000 |
Arresting agency: | Gresham Police Department |
Booking date: | Jul 24, 2016 |
Booking location: | Multnomah County, OR |
Arresting agency: | Portland Police, Southeast Precinct |
Booking date: | Apr 13, 2014 |
Booking location: | Multnomah County, OR |
Arresting agency: | Portland Police, North Precinct |
Booking date: | Jan 28, 2014 |
Booking location: | Multnomah County, OR |
Arrest date: | Sep 14, 2016 |
Booking location: | Clackamas County, OR |
Arrest date: | Oct 12, 2016 |
Release date: | Oct 26, 2016 |
Booking location: | Clackamas County, OR |
Arrest date: | Jun 22, 2016 |
Release date: | Jul 21, 2016 |
Booking location: | Clackamas County, OR |
Arrest date: | Jul 25, 2016 |
Release date: | Aug 8, 2016 |
Booking location: | Clackamas County, OR |
Status: | Unsentenced |
Court case: | 13SP48516 |
Charge: | CONTEMPT COURT (U Unknown) |
Bond amount: | $5,000 |
Status: | Unsentenced |
Charge: | COUNTY HOLD (U Unknown) |
Bond amount: | $5,991 |
Status: | Unsentenced |
Charge: | PAROLE OR PPSV VIOL (U Felony) |
Bond amount: | $0 |
Status: | Unsentenced |
Da case no: | 48516 |
Court case: | 13SP48516 |
Charge: | CONTEMPT COURT (U Unknown) |
Bond amount: | $8,500 |
Status: | Unsentenced |
Charge: | POSS STOLEN MV (C Felony) |
Bond amount: | $5,000 |
Status: | Unsentenced |
Charge: | UUMV (C Felony) |
Bond amount: | $5,000 |
Status: | Unsentenced |
Charge: | COUNTY HOLD (U Unknown) |
Bond amount: | $0 |
Charge s: | ORS.166.220 - UNLAW USE OF WEAPON |
Bond amount: | $15,000 |
Charge s: | ORS.163.275 - COERCION |
Bond amount: | $15,000 |
Charge s: | ORS.163.187 - STRANGULATION |
Bond amount: | $7,500 |
Charge s: | ORS.163.190 - MENACING |
Bond amount: | $7,500 |
Charge s: | ORS.163.160-4 - ASSAULT IV |
Bond amount: | $7,500 |
Charge s: | ORS.166.065 - HARASSMENT |
Bond amount: | $3,500 |
Status: | DISMISSED |
Charge s: | ORS.163.160-4 - ASSAULT IV APA |
Bond amount: | $7,500 |
Status: | DISMISSED |
Charge s: | ORS.163.190-2 - MENACING APA |
Bond amount: | $7,500 |
Status: | DISMISSED |
Charge s: | ORS.163.187-2 - STRANGULATION APA |
Bond amount: | $15,000 |
Charge s: | ORS.144.350 - PAROLE VIOLATION |
Bond amount: | $0 |
Charge s: | ORS.475.854 - PCS-HEROIN |
Bond amount: | $40,000 |
Status: | DISMISSED |
Charge s: | ORS.475.854 - PCS-HEROIN |
Bond amount: | $25,000 |
Status: | SANCTION |
Charge s: | ORS.144.350 - PAROLE VIOLATION |
Bond amount: | $0 |