Date of birth: | Apr 22, 1993 |
Cell block: | B |
Arrest date: | Sep 5, 2016 |
Booking location: | Cherokee County, SC |
Arrest date: | Aug 30, 2016 |
Booking location: | Cherokee County, SC |
Booking location: | Cherokee County, SC |
Description: | WARRANT CHARGE: Arrest warrant 2016a1110200263 issued by Cherokee , SC (44-53-370(B)(2) - MANUFT POSSESS OTHER SUB SCH I II III WITD-1ST); Arrest Date 09/05/2016; Bond - Surety, $5000.00; Set By Judge John B. Cook; |
Description: | WARRANT CHARGE: Arrest warrant 2016a1110200262 issued by Cherokee, SC (44-53-375(B)(1) - DRUGS/MAN DIST ETC OF COCAINE BASE 1ST); Arrest Date 09/05/2016; Bond - Surety, $10000.00; Set By Judge John B. Cook; |
Description: | WARRANT CHARGE: Arrest warrant 2016a1110200264 issued by Cherokee, SC (44-53-370(D)(2) - POSS OTHER CONTROLLED SUB IN SCHED I TO V-1ST); Arrest Date 09/05/2016; Bond - Surety, $2500.00; Set By Judge John B. Cook; |
Description: | WARRANT CHARGE: Arrest warrant 2016a1110200263 issued by Cherokee , SC (44-53-370(B)(2) - MANUFT POSSESS OTHER SUB SCH I II III WITD-1ST); Bond - Pending; |
Description: | WARRANT CHARGE: Arrest warrant 2016a1110200262 issued by Cherokee, SC (44-53-375(B)(1) - DRUGS/MAN DIST ETC OF COCAINE BASE 1ST); Bond - Pending; |
Description: | WARRANT CHARGE: Arrest warrant 2016a1110200264 issued by Cherokee, SC (44-53-370(D)(2) - POSS OTHER CONTROLLED SUB IN SCHED I TO V-1ST); Bond - Pending; |
Description: | WARRANT CHARGE: Arrest warrant HOLD FOR 34S issued by Cherokee, SC (16-23-410 - POINTING AND PRESENTING FIREARMS AT A PERSON); Arrest Date 08/30/2016; Bond - Pending; |
Description: | WARRANT CHARGE: Arrest warrant HOLD FOR 34S issued by Cherokee, SC (44-53-370(D)(2) - POSS OTHER CONTROLLED SUB IN SCHED I TO V-1ST); Arrest Date 08/30/2016; Bond - Pending; |