Date of birth: | 1963 |
Eyes: | Blue |
Bond status: | NOT Bondable |
Arresting agency: | PPD |
Arrest date: | Mar 19, 2015 |
Booking number: | ADC0000460323 |
Booking date: | Mar 19, 2015 |
Booking location: | Jackson County, MS |
Arresting agency: | JCSO |
Arrest date: | Mar 10, 2014 |
Booking number: | ADC0000454751 |
Booking date: | Mar 10, 2014 |
Booking location: | Jackson County, MS |
Arresting agency: | JCSO |
Arrest date: | Jan 14, 2014 |
Booking number: | ADC0000454075 |
Booking date: | Jan 14, 2014 |
Booking location: | Jackson County, MS |
Arresting agency: | PPD |
Arrest date: | Dec 27, 2012 |
Booking number: | ADC0000449522 |
Booking date: | Dec 27, 2012 |
Booking location: | Jackson County, MS |
Offense type: | Misdemeanor |
Offense: | Bench Warrant |
Bond amount: | $0 |
Offense type: | Felony |
Offense: | Driving Under The Influence-3rd Offense (felony) |
Bond amount: | $0 |
Offense type: | Felony |
Offense: | Driving Under The Influence-3rd Offense (felony) |
Bond amount: | $3,000 |
Offense type: | Misdemeanor |
Offense: | Contempt Of Court |
Bond amount: | $742.50 |