Date of birth: | Dec 4, 1981 |
Hair: | Brown |
Eyes: | Blue |
Jacket number: | 1014543 |
Jms number: | 1555838 |
Housing location: | DET-N31-THU-1-2 |
Control number: | 2111630 |
In custody: | Yes |
Arresting agency: | LUDLOW POLICE DEPARTMENT |
Arrest number: | 846794 |
Arrest date: | May 9, 2016 |
Arrest officer: | HAGAR |
Booking date: | May 9, 2016 |
Booking location: | Kenton County, KY |
Arrest date: | Jun 1, 2013 |
Arrest officer: | READING PD |
Booking number: | 162517-002 |
Booking date: | Jun 1, 2013 |
Booking agency: | BUTL-JAIL |
Booking location: | Butler County, OH |
Jail name: | B |
Location: | B |
Booking location: | Hamilton County, OH |
Warrant: | E05910002444752 |
Crime type: | O |
Counts: | 1 |
Control number: | M829642 |
Charge number: | 474013 |
Charge description: | FAILURE TO APPEAR |
Case number: | 16-J-00193-001 |
Bond type: | CASH |
Bond amount: | $1,003 |
Arrest date: | May 9, 2016 |
Arrest code: | 01150 |
Warrant: | E05910002444752 |
Crime type: | O |
Counts: | 1 |
Control number: | M829642 |
Charge number: | 474014 |
Charge description: | FAILURE TO APPEAR |
Case number: | 16-J-00194-001 |
Bond type: | CASH |
Arrest date: | May 9, 2016 |
Arrest code: | 01150 |
Holder: | N |
Court: | BUTL-OTH |
Charge description: | HOLD PER CONTRACT |
Charge degree: | MD |
Bond type: | NO BOND |