Date of birth: | Jul 20, 1963 |
Hair: | Grey or partially grey |
Eyes: | Blue |
Next parole hearing date: | Feb 3, 2015 |
Inmate status: | Active Inmate |
Imprisonment status: | Pre-Trial Felon |
Facility: | Western Regional Jail |
SO#: | 125273 |
Booking number: | 207507 |
Arresting agency: | Freeport Police Department |
Booking date: | Feb 2, 2006 |
Release date: | Apr 11, 2006 |
Booking number: | 58491-1 |
Release date: | Feb 3, 2018 |
Booking location: | Wayne County, WV |
Arresting agency: | Freeport Police Department |
Booking number: | 207507 |
Booking date: | Feb 2, 2006 |
Release date: | Apr 11, 2006 |
Booking location: | Brazoria County, TX |
Booking date: | Mar 6, 2013 |
Booking location: | Putnam County, WV |
Jail name: | Brazoria County Jail |
Location: | 3602 County Rd 45, Angleton, TX 77515 |
Warrant: | B060038 |
Issuing authority: | CC3 |
Charge: | POSS MARIJ |
Bond type: | $1,500 Bail Bond |
Warrant id: | B060038 |
Charge: | POSS MARIJ <2OZ |
Issuing auth: | CC3 |
Bond type: | $1,500 - Bail Bond |
Charge desposition: | Released per Docket |
Sentencing county: | Wayne |
Order number: | 13-F-196 |
Order date: | Dec 20, 2013 |
Offense s: | Attempt to Commit Possession of Precursor to Manufacture Methamphetamine (1 count) |
Sentencing county: | Wayne |
Order number: | 11-F-064 |
Order date: | Feb 3, 2014 |
Offense s: | Operating Or Attempting To Operate Clandestine Drug Laboratories; Offenses; Penalties (1 count) |