Date of birth: | Oct 5, 1978 |
Hair: | Black |
Eyes: | Brown |
Inmate number: | 9907256 |
Booking location: | Tulsa County, OK |
Total amount: | $277.10 |
Personal id: | 906138 |
Number of warrants: | 1 |
Arrest date: | Dec 23, 2015 |
Assigned cell: | F22-F-1 |
Arrested by: | TCSOHIRSCH |
Booking date: | Dec 23, 2015 |
Booking time: | 7:03 PM |
Booking location: | Collin County, TX |
Description: | COURT COST |
Court date: | Dec 28, 2015 |
Case number: | CF97-1371 |
Bond type: | Cash Only |
Bond amount: | $1,520 |
Charges: | N/A |
Description: | COURT COST |
Court date: | Dec 28, 2015 |
Case number: | CF98-708 |
Bond type: | Cash Only |
Bond amount: | $744.60 |
Charges: | N/A |