Date of birth: | Apr 22, 1964 |
Hair: | Black |
Eyes: | Brown |
Facial hair: | Y |
Skin: | DRK |
Pid: | 6798 |
Key: | 99101210404489 |
Glasses: | N |
Dorm: | H-AX-A |
Build: | LARGE |
Birth place: | TI |
Description: | SC L ARM |
Arrest number: | 3955 |
Booking date: | Oct 12, 1999 |
Booking location: | Titus County, TX |
Arrest number: | 3955 |
Booking date: | Sep 20, 1993 |
Booking location: | Titus County, TX |
Arrest number: | 3955 |
Booking date: | Apr 15, 1993 |
Booking location: | Titus County, TX |
Release date: | Oct 12, 1999 |
Offense: | THEFT >=$1,500 |
Book date: | Oct 12, 1999 |
Bond amount: | $10,000 |
Release date: | Sep 20, 1993 |
Offense: | THEFT >= $20 BUT |
Book date: | Sep 20, 1993 |
Bond amount: | $500,000 |
Release date: | Apr 16, 1993 |
Offense: | DEL OF CONT SUB-TO |
Book date: | Apr 15, 1993 |
Bond amount: | $15,000 |