Raymond Charles Harrison

Last Updated: January 6th, 2025
Jail Location
South Carolina
White Male
6′ 1″ (1.85m)
230lbs (104kg)

Personal Details

Date of birth: 1977
Hair: Brown
Eyes: Brown
Status: Active
Registration: 0000017879
Level: Adult Tier III Offender
Comments: " Probation Conditions
Classification: Adult Tier III Offender

Documented Aliases

Raymond C Harrison

Scars marks tattoos

Description: Tattoo on R_ribcage (Tomahawk)

Description: Tattoo on R_arm (WOLF ON INNER ARM)

Description: Tattoo on Chest (PICTURE OF FRANCE)

Description: Tattoo on R_Shoulder (TRIBAL WOLF MASK)

Description: Tattoo on L_Shoulder (HALF WOMAN HALF WOLF)

Description: Tattoo on Back (TRIBLA WOLF)

Description: Tattoo on L_ribcage (ICEMAN)

Description: Tattoo on L_arm (DUKE BLUE DEVIL-TRIBAL)

Description: Tattoo on L_arm (ROPE AND JAPENESE SYMBOL FOR W)

Description: Tattoo on R_arm (TRIBAL WOLF & WOLF W/ FEATHERS)

Recent Arrests

Booking location: Anderson County, SC

Booking number: 0000017879
Jail name: Indiana Sheriffs Association
Location: 147 Maryland St, Indianapolis, IN 46204

Recent Charges

Convicted date: Jul 20, 2006
State: South Carolina
Release date: Jul 20, 2006

Convicted date: Jul 20, 2006
State: South Carolina
Release date: Jul 20, 2006
Details: SECTION 16-17-490. Contributing to delinquency of a minor. It shall be unlawful for any person over eighteen years of age to knowingly and wilfully encourage, aid or cause or to do any act which shall cause or influence a minor: (1) To violate any law or any municipal ordinance; (2) To become and be incorrigible or ungovernable or habitually disobedient and beyond the control of his or her parent, guardian, custodian or other lawful authority; (3) To become and be habitually truant; (4) To without just cause and without the consent of his or her parent, guardian or other custodian, repeatedly desert his or her home or place of abode; (5) To engage in any occupation which is in violation of law; (6) To associate with immoral or vicious persons; (7) To frequent any place the existence of which is in violation of law; (8) To habitually use obscene or profane language; (9) To beg or solicit alms in any public places under any pretense; (10) To so deport himself or herself as to wilfully injure or endanger his or her morals or health or the morals or health of others. Any person violating the provisions of this section shall upon conviction be fined not more than three thousand dollars or imprisoned for not more than three years, or both, in the discretion of the court. This section is intended to be cumulative and shall not be construed so as to defeat prosecutions under any other law which is applicable to unlawful acts embraced herein. The provisions of this section shall not apply to any school board of trustees promulgating rules and regulations as authorized by Section 59-19-90(3) which prescribe standards of conduct and behavior in the public schools of the district. Provided, however, that any such rule or regulation which contravenes any portion of the provisions of this section shall first require the consent of the parent or legal guardian of the minor or minors concerned.

Other charges

Description: 16-3-655(B)(1) - CRIM SEX CONDUCT W/ MINOR(11-14YRS)-2ND DEG Sexual Motivation
Date released: Jul 20, 2006
Date convicted: Jul 20, 2006
Conviction state: South Carolina
Charges: N/A

Description: 16-17-490 - CONTRIBUTING TO THE DELINQUENCY OF A MINOR Sexual Motivation
Date released: Jul 20, 2006
Date convicted: Jul 20, 2006
Conviction state: South Carolina
Charges: N/A


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Records published on this website are in no way an indication of guilt or evidence that a crime was committed. Every person mentioned on this website is presumed innocent until proven guilty in a court of law. Arrest and other court records do not imply guilt. Criminal charges are only formal allegations. For complete case records, contact the relevant law enforcement or judicial agency.