Raymond Storwick Jr.

Last Updated: December 23rd, 2024
Jail Location
White Male

Personal Details

Date of birth: Jan 16, 1930
Probable cause affidavit: SUBMITTED BY: CANFIELD, LAIRD 0544 (AR07100401) DID DRIVE OR WAS IN ACTUAL PHYSICAL CONTROL OF A VEHICLE WHILE UNDER THE INFLUENCE OF AN ALCOHOLIC BEVERAGE, MODEL GLUE OR ANY SUBSTANCE CONTROLLED UNDER CHAPTER 893 OR CHAPTER 877.111 TO THE EXTENT HIS NORMAL FACULTIES WERE IMPAIRED, IN VIOLATION OF FLORIDA STATE STATUTE 316.193. On 111907 at 1654 hOUrs, I was dispatched to Inverness BOUlEVARD and US HIGHWAY 41 in Inverness in refERENCE to a traffic crash. Upon arrival, I met with both drivers involved. I first met with driver TWO/witness who stated she was stopped on Inverness BOUlEvARd, facing east and waiting for traffic to clear. the WitNESS stated the vehICLE that driver one was operating had been travelling south on US HIGHWAY 41, turned onto Inverness BOUlEvARd into the witness' lane and struck the witNESS's vehICLE in the driver's side door AND THE rear fender area. I MET with THE driver/defENDANT, MR RAYMOND STORWICK, WHO stated he had turned onto Inverness BOUlEvARd from US HIGHWAY 41 and HAD struck the witNESS's vehICLE. I OBSERVED THE DAMAGE TO BOTH VEHICLES TO BE CONSISTENT WITH THE STATEMENTS MADE BY BOTH DRIVERS. While speaking with the defENDANT, I detected a moderate odor of an alcoholic beverage on or about him. his eyes WERE watery and glassy AND HIS SPEECH WAS THICK-TONGUED. HE had trouble standing on his own and appeared slightly confused. I requested the defENDANT provide me his DRIVER'S LICENSE, THE VEHICLE regISTRATION and proof on insURANCE. While at the defENDANT's truck, I asked him if he had been drinking, was under the care of a doctor or dentist, taking any prescripTION medICATIONs or if he was diabetic or suffered from any other medical CONDITION, to which the defENDANT replied no. The defENDANT retrieved a plastic bag from his glove box but could not open it. The defENDANT handed the bag to a firefighter on scene who opened the bag and handed it back to the defENDANT. The defENDANT put the bag back in the glove box. I activated my patrol VEHICLE in-car camera and again requested the defENDANT hand me his regISTRATION. he retrieved the plastic bag out of his glove box and handed me ELEVEN insurance cards. I asked the defENDANT for the current INSURANCE CARD. he looked through the CARDS slowly before handing my the current INSURANCE CARD which was on top of the others. I again asked the defENDANT for his VEHICLE registration and he handed it to me. I asked the defENDANT for his DRIVER'S LICENSE and he removed his wallet from his rear pocket, opened it and fumbled, trying to get his DRIVER'S LICENSE out of its plastic holder, AT WHICH TIME, I asked the defENDANT to come to my patrol VEHICLE where FIELD SOBRIETY TASKS were conducted. I ASKED THE DEFENDANT IF HE HAD ANY MENTAL OR PHYSICAL DISABILITIES THAT WOULD NOT ALLOW HIM TO PERFORM ANY OF THE SOBRIETY TASKS, TO WHICH HE STATED HE DID NOT. TASK ONE, HORIZONTAL GAZE NYSTAGMUS. PRIOR TO PERFORMING THIS TASK, IT WAS DETERMINED THAT THE DEFENDANT HAD NO PROBLEMS WITH HIS EYES. DURING THIS TASK, THERE WAS LACK OF SMOOTH PURSUIT IN BOTH THE LEFT AND RIGHT EYE. ALSO, THERE WAS ONSET OF NYSTAGMUS PRIOR TO FORTY-FIVE DEGREES IN THE LEFT AND RIGHT EYE. THERE WAS DISTINCT NYSTAGMUS AT MAXIMUM DEVIATION IN BOTH THE LEFT AND RIGHT EYE. THE DEFENDANT NEARLY FELL INTO THIS DEPUTY DURING THIS TASK AND HAD TO BE HELD UP SO HE DID NOT FALL DOWN. Task TWO, WALK AND TURN. THIS TASK WAS EXPLAINED AND DEMONSTRATED TO THE DEFENDANT. DURING THIS TASK, THE DEFENDANT losT HIS balance during THE instrUCTION PHASE, touCHed THE side of HIS heel to THE side of HIS toe, failed to touch heel to toe, took the wrong number of steps (TEN,) paused and lost balance duRing THE turn, stepped off THE LINE just after THE turn, stepped off THE LINE on count SEVEN, almost fALlING down, took THE wrong number of steps ON THE RETURN, ELEVEN STEPS and said "I think I did THIRTEEN." Task THREE, FINGER tO NOSE. THIS TASK WAS EXPLAINED AND DEMONSTRATED TO THE DEFENDANT, DURING THIS TASK, I EXPLAINED THE TASK TO THE DEFENDANT THREE TIMES. THE DEFENDANT lost HIS balance during instrucTIONS. THE DefENDANT could not complete THE task. Task FOUR, ONE LEG STAND. THIS TASK WAS EXPLAINED AND DEMONSTRATED TO THE DEFENDANT. THIS TASK WAS ALSO ExpLAINED TO THE DEFENDANT THREE TIMES. THE DefENDANT Asked "You'rE not going to ask me to stand on a telephone pole?" THE DefENDANT Could not complete the task. At thAT timE, the defENDANT was placed under arrest for DRIVING UNDER THE INFLUENCE (DUI.) THE DEFENDANT WAS searched INCIDENT TO ARREST. HE WAS THEN handcuffed (dOUBLE locked) BEHIND HIS BACK, SECURED IN THE rear seat of my patrol vehICLE FOR TRANSPORT TO THE CITRUS COUNTY DETENTION FACILITY, REFERENCE FURTHER PROCESSING. PRIOR TO LEAVING THE SCENE, DEPUTY SMOLENSKY REMAINED WITH THE DEFENDANT'S VEHICLE UNTIL IT WAS TOWED FROM THE SCENE BY SCALLY'S TOWING. THE DEFENDANT WAS THEN TRANSPORTED TO THE CITRUS COUNTY DETENTION FACILITY WHERE HE/SHE WAS READ HIS/HER IMPLIED CONSENT AND MIRANDA WARNINGS BY THE INTOXILYZER OPERATOR. THE DEFENDANT AGREED TO SUBMIT TO THE APPROVED TEST OF HIS BREATH WITH THE TEST RESULTS BEING .165 AND .169. The defENDANT was charged with DUI WITH BOND SET AT $500.00, PER THE BOND SCHEDULE. THE DEFENDANT WAS ISSUED A FLORIDA DUI UNIFORM TRAFFIC CITATION NUMBER 9450-XAI and cited for improper turn, CITATION NUMBER 8088-FGW, IN VIOLATION OF FLORIDA STATE STATUTE 316.151(1)(A.) The video of this case was saved to my assigned lap top COMPUTER. *NOT-EXEMPT*
Inmate status: Felony Misdemeanor County/Municipal Traffic Ordinance Warrant/Capias

Known addresses

Florida 34452

Recent Arrests

Arrest date: Nov 19, 2007
Booking number: 07100401
Booking location: Citrus County, FL

Recent Charges

Code: 316.193(1)(C)
Charge description: DUI - BAC 0.08 OR MORE GRAMS PER 210 LITERS OF BREATH
Bond amount: $500


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