Date of birth: | 1945 |
Hair: | No selection |
Eyes: | No selection |
Registration: | E10B0127 |
Level: | Sex Offender |
Age of victim: | 18 |
Sex offender criminal code: | 940.225(2): Second-Degree Sexual Assault |
Sex offender compliance status: | COMPLIANT |
Pin number: | 37169 |
Photo date: | Dec 3, 2008 |
Maximum discharge date: | Dec 23, 2008 |
Inmate status: | TERMINATED |
Side: | RIGHT |
Mark type: | SCAR |
Body part: | ARM |
Booking number: | 00350228 |
Release date: | Dec 23, 2008 |
Booking location: | Wisconsin |
Arresting agency: | Illinois Sheriffs' Association |
Booking location: | Illinois |
Statute: | 940.225(2)(D) F |
County: | RACINE |
Convicted: | Apr 1, 1998 |
Case number: | 98CF00004 |
Description: | 12-15(A)(1) - CRIM SEXUAL ABUSE/FORCE |
Conviction state: | Out of State |
Charges: | N/A |