Date of birth: | Sep 20, 1992 |
Ethnicity: | White |
Hair: | Blonde |
Eyes: | Hazel |
Hair length: | SHORT |
Marital status: | SINGLE |
Current location: | MAIN |
Booked at: | OCEAN |
Complexion: | LIGHT SKINNED |
Commitment number: | 15-165788 |
Citizen: | UNITED STATES |
Birth place: | New Jersey |
Sbi number: | 000573766E |
Facility: | CRAF |
Current parole eligibility date: | Apr 11, 2014 |
Admission date: | Nov 22, 2013 |
Booking date: | May 18, 2013 |
Booking location: | Ocean County, NJ |
Release date: | Oct 27, 2015 |
Booking location: | Burlington County, NJ |
Booking location: | Burlington County, NJ |
Offense date: | May 18, 2013 |
Grade: | D |
Description: | THEFT - GUN / TRANSPORT |
Code: | 2C:20-2B(2)(B) |
Case number: | W-13-12-1509 |
Discharge date: | Nov 22, 2013 |
Offense: | 1 count of : 2C:20-3A*3 Theft/Unlaw.Taking/Disp-Movable Prop. /3 |
Maximum term: | 3 Years |
County: | Burlington |
Commit number: | 12-02-00138-I |
Discharge date: | Nov 22, 2013 |
Offense date: | May 17, 2013 |
Offense: | 1 count of : 2C:18-2A1*3 Burglary-Enter Structure /3 |
Maximum term: | 3 Years |
County: | Burlington |
Commit number: | 13-08-01084-I |