Richard Lee Campbell

Last Updated: January 25th, 2025
Jail Location
Caucasian Male
6′ 1″ (1.85m)
200lbs (91kg)

Personal Details

Date of birth: 1958
Hair: Brown
Eyes: Blue
Registration: 030195
Level: Level III
Comments: CAMPBELL, Richard Lee was convicted of rape and molest of a six year-old female. Campbell and the victim were staying in the same house and he was caught in bed with the victim by her grandmother. Victim later disclosed that Campbell touched her vaginal area and performed oral sex on her. Other sex crimes include Rape 1 on 5-20-86 where he touched the daughter of his girlfriend while she was sleeping in her bed. He was also charged with Communication with a Minor in 1983 in Pierce County when touched the seven year-old daughter of a friend while she was sleeping. In addition to his drug and alcohol problems, Campbell has admitted that he has fantasies about minor females. Other criminal history includes: burglary, theft, DWI, UPCS, PSP and resisting arrest. He has never participated in any type of sexual deviancy treatment. His risk level assessment scored him in the Level III notification category and he is a high risk to re-offend.

Documented Aliases

Rick L Campbell

Known addresses

Tacoma, Washington 98404

Recent Arrests

Arresting agency: Pierce County Sheriff's Office
Booking location: Pierce County, WA

Other charges

Description: 9.68A.090 - Communication with minor for immoral purposes
Date convicted: Nov 16, 1982
Conviction state: Washington
Charges: N/A

Description: 9A.44.070 - Statutory Rape in the first degree
Date convicted: May 21, 1986
Conviction state: Washington
Charges: N/A

Description: 9A.44.083 - Child molestation in the first degree.,
Date convicted: Jun 26, 1995
Conviction state: Washington
Charges: N/A

Description: 9A.44.130(11)(A) - Sex offender - felony - fail to register
Date convicted: Jul 23, 2008
Conviction state: Washington
Charges: N/A


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