Date of birth: | Dec 8, 1951 |
Hair: | Gray |
Eyes: | Blue |
Sex offender criminal code: | 948.02(2): Second-Degree Sexual Assault of a Child |
Sex offender compliance status: | COMPLIANT |
Pin number: | 28484 |
Photo date: | Oct 8, 2010 |
Maximum discharge date: | Aug 20, 2007 |
Inmate status: | TERMINATED |
State of conviction: | Wisconsin |
Side: | RIGHT |
Orientation: | TOP |
Mark type: | TATTOO |
Description: | heart w/"In Memory of Mother, Father Rest in Peace" |
Body part: | ARM |
Side: | CENTER |
Orientation: | TOP |
Mark type: | SCAR |
Description: | 12" |
Body part: | CHEST |
Side: | CENTER |
Orientation: | TOP |
Mark type: | SCAR |
Description: | 10" |
Body part: | ABDOMEN |
Side: | LEFT |
Orientation: | UPPER |
Mark type: | TATTOO |
Description: | 4 roses,banner w/"rachel" "christa" |
Body part: | CHEST |
Side: | LEFT |
Orientation: | UPPER |
Mark type: | TATTOO |
Description: | 3 swords, 5skulls, pentgram,flames, blood of right,"heath","luke" |
Body part: | ARM |
Side: | LEFT |
Orientation: | LOWER |
Mark type: | TATTOO |
Description: | 2 snakes, pentagram, |
Body part: | LEG |
Side: | RIGHT |
Orientation: | LOWER |
Mark type: | TATTOO |
Description: | upside down cross, circled pentagram |
Body part: | LEG |
Side: | CENTER |
Orientation: | BOTTOM |
Mark type: | TATTOO |
Description: | cross of skulls, 2 ladies w/wings |
Body part: | BACK |
Side: | RIGHT |
Orientation: | LOWER |
Mark type: | SCAR |
Body part: | ARM |
Mark type: | SCAR |
Description: | SCAR ON STOMACH. |
Body part: | ABDOMEN |
Side: | RIGHT |
Orientation: | UPPER |
Mark type: | TATTOO |
Body part: | ARM |
Orientation: | UPPER |
Mark type: | TATTOO |
Description: | "IN MEMORY OF MOTHER & FATHER" |
Body part: | ARM |
Booking number: | 00118909 |
Release date: | Apr 19, 2004 |
Booking location: | Wisconsin |
Booking location: | Wisconsin |
Statute: | 939.50(3)(C), 948.02(2) F |
County: | WASHINGTON |
Convicted: | Mar 15, 1991 |
Case number: | 91CR030 |
Statute: | 939.50(3)(C), 948.02(2) F |
County: | WASHINGTON |
Convicted: | Mar 15, 1991 |
Case number: | 91CR30 |
Statute: | 939.05, 940.225(2) F |
County: | MILWAUKEE |
Case number: | J-6640 |
Statute: | 939.05, 943.10(1)(A) F |
County: | MILWAUKEE |
Case number: | J6640 |